
第一屆加中藝術橋書畫大賽 (2014年)
1. Objectives目標:
To promote the development of Chinese artworks, to foster the beauty of Chinese artworks, to encourage diversity of styles and creation in artworks and to promote intercultural exchange in Canada.
2. Organizers主辦單位:
Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Association
3. Endorser 贊同機構:
Ministry of Multiculturalism, Canada
4. Co-Organizer 協辦單位:
國際畫廊、溫哥華華人藝術家協會、加拿大中華文化藝術總會、 加 拿大藝術家聯盟
International Arts Gallery、Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver、Chinese Culture Arts Association of Canada and Federation of Canadian Artists
5. Organizing Committee 籌委會成員:
主席: | 陳淑雄 |
秘書: | 陳莫慧賢 |
執行顧問: | 王健教授、李盈教授、楊志豪 |
財務: | Ella Ha , Yvonne ZHAO |
籌募小組: | 李王海蘋、洪子珺、胡振秋、Ella Ha |
規章小組: | 張恆、洪子珺、李王海蘋 |
行政小組: | 劉長富、張恆、周亭 |
宣傳小組: | 阿濃、葉國權、陳莫慧賢 |
出版小組: | 阿濃、劉長富 |
總務小組: | 陳莫慧賢、Ella Ha、葉國權 |
比賽結果我們已於十一月十日(星期一)至十一月十三日(星期四)通過電郵及電話通知所有參賽者,如有疑問請致電:604-569-1886 或電郵 info@artsbridge.ca 何宏宏先生聯絡。
News Updates
Final adjudication of 2014 Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Arts Competition has been completed!
The final adjudication for winners of our competition is concluded. Our executive committee has resolved to accept the adjudication of our panel of judges for the winners selected, and all the winning pieces have been published on the website (Selected Artworks).
We have notified the final results of the competition to all participants by email or telephone between 10th November (Monday) and 13th November (Thursday).
If you have any questions please call Mr. Hong He: 604-569-1886 or email info@artsbridge.ca.
經評審委員會審核後, 獲挑選進入復賽階段的作品為書法組29張,國畫組34張,及西畫組32張。
我們已於十月七日(星期一)用電郵及電話將評審結果通知各參賽者。又請各進入覆賽人士將作品原作於十月二十二日 (星期三) 當日或前送至國際畫廊辦理,辦公時間每日下午一時至五時。
如有任何疑問和垂詢請致電:604-569-1886 或電郵 info@artsbridge.ca 何宏宏先生聯絡。
- 所有作品需按送件規定 (參考網址:www.artsbridge.ca) 嚴格執行,以示公允,違規者不獲參選資格;
- 請按規定將覆審送件表格填寫完整並打印出來,然後張貼在參賽作品背後右上角,方為有效;
- 大會不接受任何在交至大會前有損毀之作品,參賽者須負責運送之安全及完整;
- 主辦方不會為參賽作品投保,除因大會之疏忽構成損毀之損失以加幣作品每件不超三佰元補償為限外,不負責任何作品之損失,參賽者欲再加保障得自購保險;
- 在評審委員會要求下,個別參賽者可能被邀請出席面見評審;
** 附覆審送件表格>>>>下載表格
First Stage Screening of 2014 Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Arts Competition has been completed!
Participation to the Competition has been enthusiastic, with a total of 186 entries! There are 44 entries to the Chinese Calligraphy Category; 64 entries to the Chinese Painting Category and 78 entries to the Western Painting Category.
After preliminary review by the Panel of Judges, 29 pieces of artworks from the Chinese Calligraphy Category; 34 art works from the Chinese Paintings Category and 32 art works from the Western paintings Category have been selected to enter the Final Stage of review.
We have already informed by email and phone calls on 7 October 2014 (Monday) the applicants selected to enter the Final Contest. Participants are requested to follow our stipulated procedures and rules here below, to deliver the original artworks to the International Arts Gallery the latest by 22nd October (Wednesday), within the hours of 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
For any enquiries please call Mr. Hong Hong HE at 604-569-1886 or email him at info@artsbridge.ca.
Rules and Regulations for Delivery of Art Works for Final Contest:
- All artworks delivery shall strictly comply with the regulations for delivery (reference to web-site: www.artsbridge.ca). Those who do not comply with our regulations may be disqualified.
- All artworks must be accompanied by completed Final Contest Application Form adhered to the right upper corner at the back of the artwork as stipulated.
- We will not accept any damaged art works, applicants have to ensure that they are intact and not damaged when reaching us.
- We will not insure for any artwork entering the Competition, and shall only be responsible for damages and losses caused by our negligence to the extents of $300 per art piece. If applicants should arrange their own insurance if they wish to have further protection to their artworks.
- Applicants may be required to attend an interview if so requested by the Penal of Judges.
** Artwork Delivery Form attached>>>>Download
21 July (Monday) – 26 September 2014 (Friday) – Dates for submission of Artwork for preliminary stage selection
8 October 2014 (Wednesday) – Announcement of result of Preliminary Stage Selection and notification sent out to contestants entering the Final Stage Selection
9 October (Thursday) – 22 October 2014 (Wednesday) – Dates for submission of original Artwork for Final Stage Selection
25 October to end of November 2014 – Final Stage Selection and/or Interview with contestants, if necessary
30 November 2014 (Sunday) – Announcement of award art pieces and winners
End of 2014 or beginning of 2015 (date to be confirmed) – Exhibition of winning and selected Artworks and Award Presentation Ceremony at International Arts Gallery
作業時程 :
2014年7月21日 (星期一) 至 9月26日 (星期五) 或前:初選收稿
2014 年10 月8日 (星期三) 或前:公佈初選評選結果及通知複審入圍參賽者
2014年 10月9日 (星期四) 至10月22日 (星期三) 或前:複審收稿
2014 年10月25日 至11月下旬:複審及接見及評核名次
2014 年11月30日 (星期日) 或前: 公佈大賽得獎名單
由加拿大中華藝術橋協會 (加中藝術橋協會)主辦、國際畫廊、溫哥華華人藝術家協會、加拿大中華文化藝術總會、 加拿大藝術家聯盟(Federation of Canadian Artists)協辦的第一屆加拿大中華藝術橋書畫大賽,由即日起開始徵集參賽作品。
(English Translation to follow)
Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Association 加中藝術橋協會
Ministry of Multiculturalism, Canada 加拿大聯邦政府多元文化部
國際畫廊、溫哥華華人藝術家協會、加拿大中華文化藝術總會、 加拿大藝術家聯盟
International Arts Gallery、Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver、Chinese Culture Arts Association of Canada and Federation of Canadian Artists
財務:Ella Ha , Yvonne ZHAO
籌募小組:李王海蘋、洪子珺、胡振秋、Ella Ha
總務小組:陳莫慧賢、Ella Ha、葉國權
國畫組 Chinese Paintings | ||
周士心教授 | 周士心教授於1923年2月21日出生於蘇州。幼承家學,由父親赤鹿公啓蒙,伯父木天公親授詩文書法。早期畢業於蘇州美專,並師從吳子深、似蘭昆仲、張辛稼、柳君然等諸名家。1949年遷居香港。1962年至1971年任教香港中文大學新亞書院藝術系。1971年移居美國加州,任教洛杉磯加州大學、北嶺加州大學。1980年移居加拿大溫哥華,曾任教卑詩省立大學。為溫哥華華人藝術家協會創會會長。 周教授歷年創作逾萬幅;參加海內外聯展及個展逾一百七十次。其作品為台灣、北京、香港、倫敦、美國、新加坡、加拿大等多國地區各級博物館、美術館及著名大學等文化教育機構永久收藏達一百多幅。在河南省開封翰園現代碑林、湖北省蓮花山元極碑林及貴州赤水市丹霞石壁均有作品雋刻立石,永久傳流。 周教授八歲開始學習詩文書畫,至今八十餘年,始終不懈。從事美術教育五十餘年。作品獲一百五十餘項榮譽獎。 周教授已有二十五種三十七冊有關美術之專作。由於他曾遊歷三十三個國家及國內各名山大川,愛讀古今圖籍,被譽為一位“讀萬卷書,行萬里路”的畫家。作品內涵深湛,既有廣度,又有深度,甚能推陳出新,極富吳門畫派儒雅精神。尤其精於沒骨水墨花鳥,設色淡雅。山水畫以傳統筆法及潑彩潑墨,自出機杼,意境清新。周教授亦為温哥華華人藝術家協會及吳門畫會創辦人。 | Professor Johnson Su-Sing Chow was born into a family of scholars and artists in Suzhou, China, where he studied poetry and calligraphy under the tutelage of his father and uncle from an early age. He graduated from the Suzhou Fine Arts College and studied painting from several renowned artists of the Wu School. He moved to Hong Kong in 1949 and taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong between 1962 and 1971. Professor Chow lived in California between 1971 and 1981. During this time, he served as curator of Chinese art at the Asian Pacific Art Museum and taught Chinese painting at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has made his home in Vancouver since 1981. He taught at the University of British Columbia and is the founding President of the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver. He has received over 150 major art awards and honors over the years. A selection of his calligraphy has been carved on a stone tablet and included in the Contemporary Scholars Forest of Steles in Henan Province, China. Professor Chow has dedicated his whole life to the practice, development and promotion of Chinese art with true devotion and generosity of spirit. He has held more than 170 solo art exhibitions and his works have been collected by museums internationally, including the National Gallery of Canada. A total of 33 cultural institutions hold over 150 of his paintings as part of their permanent collection, and over the years he has published 37 volumes of his own works as well as works dealing with the arts. His commentaries and articles on art have always been much sought after by newspapers and magazines. He is also founder of Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver and the Wu School Art Association in Vancouver. |
張俊傑館長 | 張俊傑教授國立台灣師範大學藝術系畢業,曾任國立台灣藝術教育館館長,教育廣播電台台長、教育部藝術教育委員,文建會文化建設委員,台北市和高雄市美術館典藏委員,國立歷史博物館研究發展委員,國父紀念館咨詢及評審委員,並兼任大專教授。曾獲中興文藝獎及全國畫學金爵獎。並任11至13屆全國美展籌委會主任委員。中國美術協會理事長,元墨畫會、中華書畫會會長,以及全國美展、台灣省美展、文藝創作獎、南瀛獎等評審委員。舉行個展十四次。出版理論和畫集十二種。現為21世紀水墨畫會、元墨畫會、中國美術協會、中華書畫會、中華民國畫學會、中國書法教育學會、列治文中國書畫會等藝術團體成員。並為加拿大中華文化藝術總會和溫哥華華人藝術家協會顧問及相關展覽之評審。專心從事藝術理論之研究 與書畫創作。 | Professor Chang Chun-Chieh received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the National Taiwan Normal University. He was a former curator of National Taiwan Arts Education Institute, a board director of the National Taiwan Arts Education Museum, and also has been a faculty member and professor of several colleges and universities in Taiwan. He has held fourteen solo exhibitions and published twelve volumes of his collected works. He has been the recipient of many awards. Because of his artistic accomplishment, he was invited to be on the jury board for countless national art competitions. He is currently a consultant of the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver and the Chinese Artists Association of Canada. |
李行簡教授 | 李行簡是中國中央美術學院的榮休教授, 中國著名山水畫家,1937年出生於湖北武漢,先後在廣州美術學院附中及中央美術學院研習, 並留校長期任教直至退休。他曾受名師如葉淺予、李苦禪、蔣兆和等的指導, 並成為中國畫壇大師李可染山水畫的謫傳弟子,主攻山水畫。他並曾遍訪中國名山大川及歐美亞洲多地, 研究考察,所以他的作品既秉承李可染的凝重深厚筆法,又建立自已「情真意切、質樸自然、格調新穎、耐人尋味」的獨特風格。他的創作意念是「以李為本、廣取博採、力圖蛻變」,以創造個人的藝術面貌。 | Professor Li Xin Jian is the Professor Emeritus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, and a renowned artist in the field of Landscapes. He was born in Wuhan City of Hunbei in 1937, and later studied in the Guangzhou Fine Arts Institute and High School, and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He stayed in the Central Academy of Fine Arts assuming teaching posts for a long time until his retirement. He received instructions from famous Master painters including Ye Qiangyu, Li Kuchan and Jiang Zhaohe and became the loyal and faithful adherent on Landscape arts of Chinese prominent painting master Li Keran, focusing in Landscape paintings. He had visited and toured many great mountains and rivers in China, Europe, Northern America and Asian continents, researching and studying their characteristics. His artworks do not just adhere to the thick and deep painting style of Li Keran, they also develop a distinctive style of “true and genuine emotion, refreshing tastes and aspiration to viewers” . His creation concept is “to root in the foundation of Li Keran, to include other theories broadly, so as to promote change and progress”. He is determined to create his own individuality and artworks outlooks. Professor Li is a low key artist; he does not pursue personal fame and wealth, and is warm and truthful to others. He endeavours to promote Chinese Artworks culture, to educate and be mentor to junior artists. He had held many exhibitions in China and all parts of the world and is acknowledged as a Master Painter of Chinese artworks. Many of his artworks are collected by the museums in all parts of China, in the Hong Kong arts museum and in many international arts centers as well collected widely by private collectors. |
顧小坤先生 | 出生於上海、自小受其尊翁山水畫名師顧坤伯教授之薰陶、+歲開始習畫。年青時雖從事工業,仍涉足各大畫展及流連藝術館及博物館,並研究各書畫大師及名家之所長,更以收藏文房四寶及字畫、印石等為其興趣,為本地最有名之收藏家。顧老師數+年不停習畫,工多藝熟。1988年曾在上海畫院舉行畫展,獲聘為該院名譽畫師,1990年在中國美術學院舉行畫展,被邀聘為畫師。其專注為山水畫。 | Born in Shanghai, has been under influence of his father, renowned painter of Landscape Professor Ku Kun-bo since very young age. He started paintings at the age of 10. During his young age he started his career as an industrialist, he still maintained his interest in arts and has been frequent visitor of arts institutions, museums as well as exhibitions. He also developed keen interest into studying the specialty of different Master painters and artists, as well as collection of stone seals and the antique Four Treasures of Chinese writing tools, painting brush, paper, ink and ink stone. He is one of the most famous arts collectors in Vancouver. Mr. Ku has never ceased practice paintings and calligraphy. In 1988, he held exhibition in the Shanghai Arts Academy and was invited as the Honorable Artist of the academy. In 1990 he held exhibition in the China Arts Academy and was invited to be artist of the Academy. His specialty is Landscape painting. |
章金生教授 | 章金生:字“硯寒”,浙江人,昆明出生,台灣成長;紐約聖約翰大學藝術碩士。他主張畫家作品唯美之外,對社會負有教化的責任。是表現派之水墨畫家。 | Also named “Yan Han”. Native of Jijiang, born in Kunming and grown up in Taiwan. Master of Arts Studies, St. John’s University of New York. He advocates that the artworks not only display and exhibit beauty, also bear the mission of educating the community. He is an expressionist artist in Chinese ink painting. He has been Deputy Professor of faculty of arts studies in universities; Professor of Chinese arts study in St. John’s University of New York; founding president of the “Chinese Korean artists Exchange Association”. He had held numerous solo exhibitions in United States, Germany, Canada, Japan and Taiwan; and had participated in numerous occasions in the Joint Exhibition of Art Professors of China, Exhibitions at Memorial Hall of Chengdu, Sichuan; and Zhang Daqian Memorial Hall of Neijiang, as well as joint exhibition at the Canada Stadium at the 2010 Expo of Shanghai to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of establishment of diplomacy between China and Canada. His works is exhibited and collected in many arts institutions and museums in Korea, Japan, United States, China and Taiwan. His publications includes ” 80 years Artworks in Taiwan” , ” The study into the painting of Peonies of renowned artists of the different dynasties”, ” Discussion on the Splash-Ink method and painting technique of Zhang Daqian”, as well as many academic publications books and paintings albums. |
書法組 Chinese Calligraphy | ||
郭紹綱教授 | 1932年生於北京昌平。中國油畫家、藝術教育家,兼擅長書法。1953年畢業於北京中央美術學院繪畫系,並任教於武漢中南美專。1955年由國家選派赴蘇聯列賓美術學院留學,專攻油畫。1960年回國,任教於廣州美術學院。歷任廣州美術學院油畫系副主任、美術教育系主任、副院長(1983-85年)、院長(1985-92年)。並曾任中國美術家協會理事、中國油畫學會理事、廣東省美協副主席。1986年起歷任國家教育部藝術教育委員會第一、第二及第三屆委員、專家講學團成員。1992年被聘為國務院學位委員會藝術學科組成員。1995年應聘為中國書畫家聯誼會藝術顧問。1996被聘為國際美術家聯合會名譽副主席。1999年獲俄羅斯列賓美術學院榮譽教授銜和俄羅斯政府文化部授予普希金獎章獎狀。現為中國書畫家聯誼會顧問、廣東省文史研究館名譽館員。自上世紀六十年代起先后在廣州、武漢、天津、杭州、深圳、香港、澳門、溫哥華、北京等地舉辦個人油畫、書法展五十余次。多件作品刊行於國內外出版物,書法作品刻石於多處碑林和名勝古跡風景區。出版的專集有:《郭紹綱素描選集》、《郭紹綱油畫選集》、《郭紹綱油畫風景寫生》、《郭紹綱—平和中的隱秀》、《郭紹綱素描》、《郭紹綱油畫》、《郭紹綱•賞珍集》、《郭紹綱從藝六十年畫集》等。出版的專著有:《素描基礎知識》、《油畫基礎知識》、《美術教育方法論》、《素描基礎教學》、《油畫基礎教學》。在藝術及藝術教育方面得到評論文章七十余篇,傳略及作品入編國內、國際多部典籍。油畫“戴紅帽的女青年” 2007年被評為廣東美協五十年五十件經典作品之一,及十大最具影響力的作品之一。作品藏於廣州美術學院美術館、廣東省美術館、中國美術館等處。2009年先后在廣州和北京舉辦“從藝六十周年個人作品展”,並獲得中國文聯頒發“從事新中國文藝工作六十年”榮譽証書和紀念章。 | Shaogang Guo was born in 1932 Chanping, Beijing. He is a famous oil painter, art educator and Chinese calligrapher. His pen name is XiangYi. He was admitted into the Beijing Art Academy in 1949. In 1953, he graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in painting and later taught in Zhongnan Art Academy in Wuhan. In 1955, Shaogang Guo was selected and sent by the Chinese government to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he continued his studies in oil painting. In 1960, he came back to China and taught at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He became the Chief Administrator of the Oil Painting Department and the Visual Art Education Department. Afterward, he was nominated to be Vice-president from 1983 to 1985 and President from 1985 to 1992. He was elected to be the Counselor Member of China Artists Association and the China Oil Painting Association. He also became the Vice-Chairman for the Guangdong Artist Association. From 1986, he successfully acted as the commissioner in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd committee as well as the member of an expert lecture team. In 1991, he was selected to be a member of the China Painters Association. He was also invited to be the Honor Vice-Chairman of International Artists Association in 1996. Three years later, he was awarded Honor Professor from the Repin Academy of Fine Arts and won the Pushkin Prize from the Culture Department of Russia Government. Shaogang Guo is currently a consultant for the Chinese Calligraphy Association of China. He is also an honorary member of the Historic and Cultural Centre in China. Since 1960’s, Shaogang Guo has had over fifty solo-shows where his oil paintings and calligraphy were exhibited in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Beijing, Vancouver and elsewhere. His published books include: “Selected Sketches of Shaogang Guo”, “Selected Paintings of Shaogang Guo”, “Shaogang Guo – Shang Zhen Ji”, “The Oil Paintings of Shaogang Guo”, “The Beauty of Simplicity”. His published literary works include: “Sketching Techniques”, “Oil Painting Techniques”, “Practical Theories of Art Education”, “Sketching Techniques Manual”, and “Oil Painting Techniques Manual”. In 2007, his painting titled: “The Red Head Girl”, was selected by Guangdong Artists Association as one of the best works in the past fifty years and voted to be one of the top ten influential art pieces in Guangdong. |
洛夫先生 | 洛夫,詩壇大師。1928年生於湖南衡陽,淡江大學英文系畢業。現聘任北京師範大學、中國華僑大學客座教授。1954年與張默、亞弦共同創辦《創世紀》詩刊,作品被譯多國文字,風行中外。曾獲多項獎項榮譽包括:中山文藝創作獎、台灣「國家」文藝獎、中國文藝協會終身成就獎、北京「國際詩歌獎」等。 洛夫早年為一超現實主義詩人,被詩壇譽為「詩魔」,在中國及國際詩壇擁有崇高之地位。近年更潛心於書法研究,長於魏碑漢隸、精於行草;並多次應邀在中國、台灣及海外大型藝術會館展出書法。 | LO fu, a master poet. Born in the year 1928 in Hengyang, Hunan Province of China. Graduated with B A in English from Tamkang University . Currently engaged as visiting professor of Beijing Normal University and Huaqiao University of China. In 1954, LO Fu co-founded the Epoch Poetry Society with Zhang Mo and Ya Xian and served as editor of the association’s Epoch Poetry Quarterly for more than a decade. Lo Fu has won numerous major literary awards in Taiwan including the China Times Literary Award, the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Literary Award, the Wu San-Lien Literary Award, and the National Literary Award. His poetry has been translated and published into many different languages. LO Fu is a poet of Surrealism. He is nicknamed with honor as “Devil of Poem” and his poetry has been immensely influential and distinctive in the field of poetry both in China and internationally. In recent years he has focused also in Chinese Calligraphy and is very skillful in the various disciplines of Wei Bei (tablet inscription of Wei Dynasty), Han Li (an ancient style of calligraphy during the Han Dynasty) and Free Style Calligraphy. He has also held numerous exhibitions of calligraphy at famous distinctive arts institutes in China, Taiwan and overseas. |
梁照堂教授 | 梁照堂, 字天岳,號楚廷,別署石梁。 1945年生,廣東順德人。 著名書法金石家.國家一級美術師(教授) 。廣州畫院秘書長, 理論部主任, 中國書法家協會會員,廣東省書法家協會理事,廣州市書法家協會常務理事,嶺南書法纂刻協會副會長,廣州硬筆書法家協會幅主席,廣東省青年書法家協會幅主席,中國美術家協會會員,廣東省美術家協會常務理事,廣州市美術家協會副主席等。 五次獲全國性美術作品一,二等獎, 多次入選全國, 省市美展,書法展。入選巴黎國際藝術節,赴日, 美,加,泰,意,德,韓等國展出。書法及美術作品900多幅,論文70多篇發表在全國 (包括港澳台地區) 130多種報刊上,書法鐫刻於國內多處碑林。作品為國家美術館,博物館等收藏。被邀請為天安門城樓,人民大會堂,中南海等創作大幅作品,被聘任教於多所大學,美院及藝大。曾出訪美,加,法,德,意,比,奧,荷,西,新,馬諸國,,並多次在溫哥華, 紐約等地舉辦個展。人名事跡被錄入《中國當代書法家辭典》,《中國歷代書法家人名大辭典》,《當代纂刻家大辭典》,《當代書法名家墨跡》及英國劍橋《國際名人傳記辭典》等。以巨草為主, 書風大氣蒼辣,老拙渾扑,印風高古。主要書論有《當代書家的歷史負托》,《書法與縱橫大學養》等。 | Liang Zhaotang, was born in Guangdong in 1945. A well-known Chinese Calligrapher with the rank of first class artist and professor. He is a Secretary General and a director of the Art Theory Department of Guangzhou Art academy. He is also a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, an Executive of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association, a Standing Executive of the Guangzhou Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of Hard-pen calligraphers Association, vice chairman of the Guangdong Youth Calligraphers Association, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a standing Executive of Guangdong Artists Association, vice chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association. Five times his art works won the highest national prize, and most of his works have been selected for many art exhibitions in China and display in the Paris International Art Festival, and exhibited around the world, including Japan, the United States, Canada, Thailand, Italy, Germany and Korea. As a productive artist with over 900 works of calligraphy and paintings, Liang has also published more than 70 treatises on painting and calligraphy in more 130 newspapers in China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. His calligraphy was inscribed on steles all over the country. His art works are in the collections of National Chinese Art Gallery and Museums. What is more, Liang was invited to create paintings for the rostrum of Tian An Men, the People’s Great Hall and Zhong Nan Hai. He is invited to teach in many art universities and institutes and visit many counties, such as the United States, Canada, France, Germany , Italy, Belgium, Austria, Holland, Spain, Singapore and Malaysia Especially in Vancouver and New York, where he has made several personal exhibitions. His name has been entered into some dictionaries such as the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers, the Dictionary of Famous Calligraphers of All Dynasties, the Dictionary of Contemporary Seal Carvers, the Dictionary of Famous Contemporary Calligraphers, the Dictionary of International Biography by Cambridge, England. His large-sized script type of calligraphy won him great fame with vigorous strokes and boldness. His main theory books included the Historical Assignment of Contemporary Calligraphers, and the Accomplishment and cultivation of Calligraphy. |
張恆先生 | 1941年出生於臺灣,1992年移民加國,歷任中學師院教職21年,并任教材編審、國際藝術交流委員會主任委員、加拿大中華文化藝術總會會長、加拿大中華書畫藝術聯合會召集人。曰本倉門書道墨畫研究會、德國竹橋書畫藝術研究中心、中國書畫報、徐悲鴻藝苑、朱德紀念館書畫交流委員會等顧問。世界華人慶奧運名家書畫大展組委會副主任、奧運之光長卷創作名家之一。2009年榮獲特授國際突出貢獻書畫藝術家稱號。復旦大學特聘研究員。國際書畫藝術發展論壇副理事長。温哥華國際畫廊藝術總監。國際心象藝術研究中心主席。北美山水畫學會會長。 | Born in 1941 in Taiwan. Immigrated to Canada in 1992. He has been in the teaching post for 21 years, and responsible for edition of teaching curriculum. He assumed the following posts and titles: Chief Director of the International Arts Exchange Association; President of the Chinese Culture Arts Association of Canada; Coordinator in Chief of the Joint association of the United Chinese Arts Council of Canada; Honorary Advisers of Chon Mun Calligraphy and Ink Paintings Study Center of Japan; Bamboo Bridge Calligraphy Paintings and Arts Study Center of Germany; China Calligraphy and Paintings Newspaper,; XU Bei-Hong Arts Council as well as the Exchange Committee of the Chu Tak Memorial Museum. He was also the Deputy Chief Executive of the Preparatory Committee of Calligraphy and Painting Session in Celebration of 2008 Olympics by International Chinese; Co-author of the ” Light of Olympic Long Scroll”. He was awarded “International Outstanding Achievement Award Artist” in 2009. He is currently a special researcher of the Fu Dan University of Shanghai; Deputy Executive Director of the International Calligraphy and Painting Development Forum; Director of Arts, International Arts Gallery, Vancouver; Chairman of the International Heartfelt Arts Research Center as well as the President of the Landscapes Paintings Study Center of North America. |
劉渭賢先生 | 字翰魂,1941年生於廣東省中山縣,1968年移民加拿大,歷任溫哥華中華文化中心及多個華人社區及藝術中心之書法導師,並曾任列治文市書畫纂刻學會會長。1985年作品入選中國書協河南分會的”國際書法展覽”,1987年的”國際書法大展”以及1989年的中國首次“草書大展”。1998年於台北市國父紀念館及於香港展出”書畫雙人展”,2008年作品入選“世界華人慶奧運名家書畫世界巡回展”及 “北美華人百家書畫展”。2009年出席澳門回歸中國十周年之國際書畫交流展及藝術發展論壇。2010年在山東參加”湧泉國際書法大展”及於同年十月參展“第五屆加拿大中華詩書畫評審展”獲銀獎。2010年在上海榜書書法協會主辦之 “榜書大賽”獲二等獎。其入選“親情中華世界華僑華人美術書法展”之作品更被中國華僑歷史博物館收藏。 | Also pen-named “Han Yuen”. Born in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province of China. Migrated to Canada in 1968. He has been the instructor on Calligraphy for the Chinese Cultural Center of Great Vancouver as well as numerous cultural and community centers of the Vancouver Chinese community for many years. He had been the President of the Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Carving Association of Richmond. In 1985, his work was selected for the “International Calligraphy Exhibition” of the China Books Association Henan District. In 1989, his work was selected for the first exhibition of National Free Style Calligraphy of China. In 1988, he held Exhibition at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall of Taipei, and also joint Exhibition in Hong Kong. In 2008 his works was selected to the “World Tour Exhibition of the Renowned Chinese Artists in Celebration of Olympic in Beijing” and ” Exhibition of 100 Chinese Artists of North America “. In 2009 he was invited to the International Paintings and Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition and Cultural Development Forum in Macao in celebration of the Return to China 10th Anniversary”. In 2010 he participated in the “Yongquan International Calligraphy Exhibition” in Shandong and in October of the same year, he won the Silver Award at the “5th Canada Chinese Poem, Calligraphy and Painting Contest and Exhibition”. He also received 2nd class honor in 2010 in the “Signatory Calligraphy Contest” organized by the Signatory Calligraphy Association of Shanghai. His selected work on “Sentiment of China — Overseas Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition” has been collected by the Overseas Chinese History Museum of China. |
西畫組 Western Paintings: | ||
陳田恩先生 | 陳田恩是植根於溫哥華的畫家,從1968年開始, 陳田恩的畫,就是大自然的一篇樂章,巧妙地將春 五十五年的藝術心路, 為陳田恩帶來了讚賞,認同 陳田恩得志不忘本,接受母校廣州美術學院邀請, | An Introduction to Mr.Tinyan Chan (by Yvonne Walls) Tinyan Chan is an artist who is very much rooted in Vancouver. For the past several decades since settling in Vancouver in 1968, he has completely devoted himself to the world of colorful creative art with incomparable concentration and passion in his peaceful Pine Snow Studio. With his first traditional Russian training, followed by a strict education in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and further study in L’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts, Paris, France, then adding his own bold creativity and seeking a personal style, he has made a breakthrough to enter into a realm where he can paint what his heart desires without hindrance. Mr. Tinyan Chan’s paintings are musical movements of nature. He has skillfully presented the different sceneries of spring, summer, autumn and winter before the viewer’s eyes in gorgeous, warm, brave and poetic ways. They are both profound and amiable. We may definitely say that they can be enjoyed by the general public as well as by connoisseurs. Fifty-five years of creative effort has brought him praise, recognition and honor. His works have received numerous international awards and are collected by both individuals and international art galleries. In April of 2011, he was awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Federation of Canadian Artists in recognition of his superb achievements and contributions. He is the first and only Asian artist to receive such an honor. However, the artist himself does not boast about this. He just keeps on working quietly at what he enjoys. Even though Tinyan Chan is very accomplished, he does not forget where he came from. He accepted the invitation from his alma mater, the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, to hold “Tinyan Chan’s 55 Years Retrospective Exhibition” at its art gallery in March, 2012, exhibiting his many years of fine works and recent outstanding creations. Mr. Tinyan Chan also hosted a preview exhibit of the above works at International Arts Gallery of Vancouver in January 2013. This is his way of thanking the community, the art and cultural circles and the public in Vancouver for their care and support. |
劉長富先生 | 學經歷: 曾擔任台灣國立美術館籌建工作。 個展及聯展:歐洲、美加、亞洲、大陸及台灣各地共百餘次。 典藏:作品受國立台灣美術館 、台北國父紀念館、台北中正紀念堂、嘉義文化局、廣東順德天任美術館、監察院及其他國內外私人畫廊與個人收藏。 著作與專文:色彩計劃、世界美術館名畫探索、油畫技法、油畫的修護與保存技法、油畫作品的燻蒸消毒、陳澄波的繪畫理念與技法、藝術之旅(102篇)、其他藝術專文發表(數百篇)。 | James Liu Biography: Solo and Group Exhibition: Art Exhibitions in Europe, North America, Asia, Taiwan, mainland China and around over a hundred times. Collections:By National Taiwan Museum, National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau, Guangdong Shunde day any art museum, the Control Yuan, and other private galleries and personal collections. Books and articles published: |
Andrew McDermott, SFCA, PSC, OPA | Andrew McDermott is the President and senior member for the Federation of Canadian Artists, and is represented in galleries in Canada and the US. EDUCATION: MEMBERSHIPS: SHOWS & EXHIBITIONS: PUBLICATIONS:
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Mila Kostic, AFCA, SCA, Gallery Director FCA | Mila Kostic was born in Serbia in 1965. After spending ten years establishing herself as an artist in Belgrade, she immigrated to Vancouver in 1996 with her family. Mila is known predominantly for her large-scale abstract oil paintings on canvas. Her work revolves around the experimentation with lines and colour; but most importantly the processes of creating a painting. As her canvas evolves, each step promises revelation or a small reflection of her concept on the diversity of the world. During the last twenty years of her career, Mila created a series entitled “Writings on the Wall”. For as long as she known, she has carried an interested in the cracks of walls, surface textures, lines, and street art (i.e. graffiti). She integrates these fascist of her interest in combination with lyrical prose. Presently, she works on her series entitled Fragments, which is inspired by everyday life. Fragments is a comprised of private, social and political events in which some may be found to be significant, life-changing, or even hard to shake; leaving a deep impression. Consciously and subconsciously, Mila believes we are given inspiration from these events and channel them into work and our social life. | |
Mike Svob, SFCA | Mike Svob has been a full time artist since 1982. This year (2014) he is celebrating his 32nd year as a professional artist. Outstanding artistic achievements have included mastering watercolours, acrylics and oils. An impressionist that is easily identified by his signature use of strong bold colour. To date Mike has had over 70 exhibitions and has produced 25 large scale murals throughout North America. Mike studied at the University of Western Ontario. He is a past president of the Federation of Canadian Artists and is also a senior member (SFCA) of this society. As an award-winning artist and a leading teacher and workshop instructor, Mike strongly believes that sharing knowledge among fellow artists and art students provides only positives results for all. To date, Mike is the youngest member ever to have been honoured with senior status in the Federation of Canadian Artists and is a Past President of this society. Mike has been commissioned to produce 20 large-scale mural projects both in Canada and the USA. He is a contributing author to the following books “The Artist’s Illustrated Encyclopaedia” and “Design and Composition Secrets of Professional Artists”. In September 2002, a new book authored by Mike entitled “Painted Red Hot Landscapes that Sell!” was published by International Artist Publications. His paintings are held in many private and corporate collections throughout the world. His work has been featured in International Artist Magazine, Magazin Art, and in many newspapers throughout North America and is also included in several art books. | |
Alfonso L. Tejada | Alfonso is an Artists /Architect and urban planner with a Master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design from UBC. Art has always been a complementary part of his various areas of interest. His early artistic formational years began in Mexico in the Fine Arts School at Guanajuato University were he studied drawing, watercolour and metal etching during his undergraduate studies. He continued to develop his artistic and professional life living in San Miguel Allende arts colony and later in Vancouver. He also is a prolific painter and advocate of”plein air“painting, lecturing and teaching sketching and watercolour for various community centers in Vancouver and with The Federation of Canadian Artists. He is a founder of the annual Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival’s “plein air” sessions and of the Harmony Festival’s “plein air” competition in West Vancouver. Founder of the international Watercolour biennale with the federation of Canadian artists. Along with his local pursuits, Alfonso maintains an active participation in international encounters of “plein air” painting in Spain, Portugal and Italy. He annually leads workshops in Mexico and Italy. He also participates in numerous invitational international solo and group exhibitions every year. “Drawing, sketching and painting places,buildings and objects in the townscape has been a discipline that has helped to strengthen my sense of proportion, scale, form and color. I use sketching and watercolour painting on my drawing pad to capture time and places. My passion is to paint ordinary locations that capture my vision and leave a lasting memory to share with others in my work. ‘‘Vistas” of townscapes, both local and abroad have been my inspiration. All these start as sketches “plein air”, leading to the development of a finished product”. Art is not a hobby, rather it is a life commitment to show and help others how to see magnificence in the ordinary. |
Professor Jan Walls (王健教授)
Professor Yvonne Li (李盈教授)
Mr. A Nong (阿濃老師)
Ms. Maggie Ip (葉吳美琪女士)
Professor Tseng Tsai Wang (王曾才教授)
Sponsors 贊助名錄
A.Honourary Sponsors榮譽贊助
1.Honorary Governor 榮譽總監
— Professor Su-Sing Johnson CHOW 周士心教授
2. Honorary Co-President 榮譽共同主席
— Mr. Paul OEI and Ms.Loretta LAI 黃世惠先生 、黎惠女士
Canadian Manu Investment Group Inc. 加拿大商盈投資集團
— Mr. Bing Zheng LI 李秉政先生
Ruimao Xingye Investment Group Corp 瑞茂興業投資集團
3. Honorary Advisor 榮譽顧問
Mr. John Chan 陳嘉南先生
Mr. K K NG 吳家駒先生
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