Provide Venue for Exhibition and Event


The International Arts Gallery regularyly accepts partnership in organizing exhibitions and other events based on the following criteria: a) its artistic value, b) its impact on the community, and c) its recognition by the community. In normal circumstances, the art gallery will invite or consider requests from suitable associations to organise or co-organise exhibitions or events. Terms on co-operation are to be determined in consultation with co-organising bodies.

In relation to applications from other artists and organisations to rent our venue to host exhibitions and events, the following factors will apply:

  1. The event should be in line with our objectives, and the exhibiting parties should meet with our acceptable art standard or condition.
  2. Date of event shall be for seven days, including setting up. The event shall be for one to five persons, or a joint exhibition by an association.
  3. The fee for rental of venue and equipment only shall be ten thousand Canadian dollars (C$10,000) for 7 days.
  4. A fee of twenty thousand Canadian dollars (C$20,000) will be charged for the inclusion of invitation letters, posters, advertising, special publication, set up, opening ceremony, tea reception and live demonstration by artists.
  5. Unless special circumstances are justified, the date of event shall be at least three months from the date of application in order to make pre-arrangements.

國際畫廊接受合作團體舉辦的畫展及其他活動的主要考慮因素是該展出的 a) 藝術性、b) 可觀性、c) 影響度及 d) 認受性等四方面。一般是畫廊主動邀請或由合適的社區或藝術團體提議下合作舉辦相關活動,合作條件及細則由雙方協議進行。


  1. a) 該展出乎合本畫廊之目標,而展出者有適合之藝術水平及品位;
  2. b) 展期連佈展七天,由個展至五人展或團體展;
  3. c)  純綷租場及設備收費加幣壹萬圓正 (C$10,000)
  4. d) 畫廊承包邀請函、佈展、海報、宣傳、特刊、開幕禮、茶會及筆會等費用加幣貳萬圓正 (C$20,000)
  5. e) 除特殊情況,展期需為申請期三個月後舉行,以便編排。