Objectives and Mission

“Promoting Perfection of Chinese Artworks, Advancing onto International Arts Platform”

  1. introduce high quality artworks, including traditional and modern Oriental paintings and calligraphy and Western paintings
  2. focus on inspiration of the creativity of artists and originality of artworks, and raising the standard of arts appreciation of art lovers
  3. invite international famous artists and Chinese master artists to showcase their works, and to conduct seminars and art appreciation sessions
  4. hold arts gatherings, and organize crossing boundary cultural exhibitions and event in conjunction with our working partners
  5. promote sale and collection of paintings and collectables , and work with international auction houses to refer paintings and other collectable items of customers for auction


發揚中國書畫藝術精粹, 邁進國際藝術殿堂

  1. 介紹優質的藝術品,包括傳統及新一東方書畫及西洋畫的平台
  2. 注重啟發藝術家之創作力及原著精神和提高愛好藝術者的鑑賞力
  3. 邀請國際書畫名家及中國書畫大師到來展出作品及舉辦研討及書畫賞析會
  4. 定期舉辦聯誼性之雅集;及與合作夥伴一起合辦大型跨文化及多元文化展覽和活動
  5. 推展書畫及珍品收藏及售賣,及與國際知名拍賣行定期合作推介客戶的書畫及珍玩藏品作拍賣