During the previous months of Pandemic we have slowed down our pace to have more time to ponder the meanings of life, yet we are still holding onto our dreams and getting ready to launch, to meet and hug one another again.

At this moment of social and physical distancing the International Arts Gallery would like to remind and encourage we are still being together and lots of artists have responded to our call – thus comes the exhibition of paintings created by the artists expressing their feelings and sentiments during this very difficult crisis. We also hope this exhibition can cheer up the spirit of the communities, so everyone can feel the hope and joy once again.

在新冠肺炎疫情的恣瘧下,大家都被逼逗留在家裏,但也讓我們有更多時間反思生命的意義。我們的腳歩雖暫緩, 仍然堅定保持夢想, 期待再次出發, 彼此快樂相聚。


Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue

Date of Exhibition: 19 Sept (Sat) to 9 Oct (Fri) 2020

Time of Exhibition: Tuesday to Saturday 11 am to 5 pm

Opening Ceremony: 2:00 pm 19 Sept (Sat) 2020 (Virtual Ceremony with Gallery Opened)

Closing and Donation Cheques Presentation: 2:00 pm 9 Oct (Fri) 2020

* Social distancing and public hygiene will be observed at exhibition venue

Exhibiting Artists (In Alphabetical Order): Yasuo ARAKI  / Alice BOTTRILL / Tinyan CHAN / Coral Ye CHEN / Guixiang CHEN / Chung Yin CHOW / Shilin FU / Monica GEWURZ  / Hangjian GUO / Kana GUO / Bin HE / Jun HU / Betty HUNG / Joyce KAMIKURA / Clement KWAN / Jong Kook KIM / Wayne LAW / Jeannie LEE / Haiping LEE / Winifred LEE / Andy LOU / Donna LUI / Andrew MCDERMOTT / Huan MENG / Peter MENG / Susannah PARANICH / Kenson SETO / Wen Yan XU / June YUN / Wan Li ZHANG / Ruihe ZHONG / Herman ZHENG 

Venue: 555 Howe Street, Ground Floor, Vancouver

All Gallery Proceeds and Selected Artists Proceeds Will Be Donated to Support Charity Organization: Louis Brier Home & Hospital / Columbus Residence Abbeyfield Houses of Vancouver


展覧日期: 2020年9月19日(星期六) 至10月9日(星期五)
展覧時間: 星期二至星期六/ 上午十一時至下午五時
開幕禮: 2020年9月19日(星期六) 下午二時 (網上虛擬開幕式及現場畫展同時進行)
閉幕及捐贈支票儀式: 2020年10月9日(星期五) 下午二時

參展畫家(按英文姓氏字母排列):Yasuo ARAKI、Alice BOTTRILL陳田恩、葉珊瑚陳桂香鄒中賢傅世林、Monica GEWURZ 郭杭建郭卡娜何斌胡軍曾美貞、Joyce KAMIKURA關旭耀、Jong Kook KIM 羅偉顯劉志文李王海蘋李于琬君、婁述澤沈玉儀、Andrew MCDERMOTT孟幻孟小平、Susannah PARANICH司徒勤參徐文延雲媛張萬里鍾瑞和鄭海明


這次畫展全數畫廊收益及部分畫家售畫款項將會慈善捐贈給指定機構:Louis Brier Home & HospitalColumbus Residence、 Abbeyfield Houses of Vancouver

Virtual Opening Ceremony of "Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition
「撥雲見日、疫過天青」 網上畫展開幕禮

Press Coverage 新聞報道

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition - OMNI TV
慈善畫展:《撥雲見日 疫過天青》-

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition -
Evening News Coverage Fairchild TV (Cantonese)
慈善畫展:《撥雲見日 疫過天青》-

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition -
Evening News Coverage Talentvision TV (Mandarin)
慈善畫展:《撥雲見日 疫過天青》-

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition - SING TAO
「撥雲見日、疫過天青」 慈善畫展周六揭幕 -

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition - SING TAO
「撥雲見日、疫過天青」 慈善畫展籌逾萬元 -

"Clouds Gone, Sky Turns Blue" Exhibition -
Photos of Charity Donation
「撥雲見日、疫過天青」 慈善畫展捐款儀式照片


As we witness the devastating impact of Covid-19 on the vulnerable senior communities, we feel the crisis might be challenging as another flu season is drawing near, and we need to act and help where it is most needed – the senior homes in the City.

Though our contribution is small we hope this Exhibition can help to create an echo from the community for more donations and resources for these long term care facilities so the senior residence and front line healthcare workers are better and safely protected. Please join us in our effort bringing these wonderful art pieces home or visit the Exhibition with any sum of donation.

當我們看到脆弱的老年人面對   Covid-19   的傷害及無助時,我們感到危機可能會隨著另一個流感季節的來臨而加劇,我們了解到要在最有需要的地方表示我們的關注 – 市區內的長者長期護理中心。


PATRON / 畫展襄贊

MLA Michael LEE  李耀華省議員


MLA John YAP 葉志明省議員

Mr & Mrs Sing YEO 楊興琳先生夫人

Mrs CHAN Choi Hon Hing 陳蔡漢卿女士


Title of Exhibition in Chinese named by exhibiting artist Mr Hangjian GUO


Title of Exhibition in English translated by Professor Jan WALLS and Professor Yvonne Li-WALL
