IAG Portrait Group Artists 國際畫廊肖像畫家
Clement KWAN 關旭耀
Clement KWAN’s figurative paintings are filled with light, color, joy and movement. “I like my paintings to express happiness,” Kwan says, “I use my artistic skills to create paintings that will give people joy and hope- my tool for helping to make the world a better place.” Born in China, Clement immigrated to Canada in 1979, and now lives in Victoria B.C. Kwan loves draw and paint since his young age. Although he had his basic art training at the time when he was in china, but most of his artistic knowledge and artistic achievements, is after his move to Canada through decades of dedicated self-education.
Clement likes to combine impressionism with realism in his painting. He has been participating in many art shows in United States and in Canada, and won numerous awards. He is a Senor Signature Member (the highest status) of the Federation of Canadian artists (SFCA), and is a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America (OPA).
Clement’s works can be found in museum, private collections, galleries in United Sates, England, China, and in Canada.
關旭耀,廣東開平人,1979年移民加拿大,現居住在BC省維多利亞。關自小愛好畫畫,他的藝術專業知識及走上專職畫家道路取得的成績,是憑他自己對藝術的熱愛及自己的努力研究學習而獲取形成。幾十年來,關活躍在維多利亞市多國文化背景的藝術社區。他的作品,全部都是以他所熟悉的維多利亞地區的多元文化生活中的人和事為創作題材。畫面上,是有充滿著陽光,顏色,動態及激情等特點。”我是喜歡畫那些可愛的人和事物”關說,”我喜歡以畫去表達快樂,用自己的畫畫知識與技術去創作出好的作品,希望能給觀眾一種視覺上的享受,以自己的畫作為工具,為建設一個更加適合人類居住的世界作出自己的一份努力”。關曾參加在加拿大,在美國無次數的展覽中獲得很多獎項;他及他的的作品多次受報紙雜誌的推薦介紹;他多次被邀請為畫展比賽評委員;關是一位被選入為加拿大藝術家聯盟最高資深簽名成員(SFCA ),也是一位被選入為美國油畫會簽名會員(OPA)。收藏他作品的有美國,英國,中國及加拿大等國的收藏家。
Artist's Statement on Portrait
Use the best materials for the portrait... Customer' satisfaction is my personal guarantee.
選用最好的肖像畫材料作畫 ... 顧客對訂單肖像畫的滿意,是我的保證。
Reference Price / 參考價格
Small Size: 18x24 inches $4,100
Medium Size: 36x40 inches $10,950
Large Size: 48x54 inches $18,000
- All prices quoted will be adjusted according to actual size of painting / 準確價格因應實際畫的面積大小再議定
- Prices quote does not include frame / 價格不包括畫框