Professor LI Xing Jian is the Professor Emeritus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, and a renowned artist in the field of Landscapes. He was born in Wuhan City of Hunbei in 1937, and later studied in the Guangzhou Fine Arts Institute and High School, and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He stayed in the Central Academy of Fine Arts assuming teaching posts for a long time until his retirement. He received instructions from famous Master painters including Ye Qiangyu, Li Kuchan and Jiang Zhaohe and became the loyal and faithful adherent on Landscape arts of Chinese prominent painting master Li Keran, focusing in Landscape paintings. He had visited and toured many great mountains and rivers in China, Europe, Northern America and Asian continents, researching and studying their characteristics. His artworks do not just adhere to the thick and deep painting style of Li Keran, they also develop a distinctive style of “true and genuine emotion, refreshing tastes and aspiration to viewers”.
His creation concept is “to root in the foundation of Li Keran, to include other theories broadly, so as to promote change and progress”. He is determined to create his own individuality and artworks outlooks.
李行簡是中國中央美術學院的榮休教授, 中國著名山水畫家,1937年出生於湖北武漢,先後在廣州美術學院附中及中央美術學院研習, 並留校長期任教直至退休。他曾受名師如葉淺予、李苦禪、蔣兆和等的指導, 並成為中國畫壇大師李可染山水畫的謫傳弟子,主攻山水畫。他並曾遍訪中國名山大川及歐美亞洲多地, 研究考察,所以他的作品既秉承李可染的凝重深厚筆法,又建立自已「情真意切、質樸自然、格調新穎、耐人尋味」的獨特風格。他的創作意念是「以李為本、廣取博採、力圖蛻變」,以創造個人的藝術面貌。