Tinyan studied in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou, China  and the prestigious L’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France.

In 1968, Tinyan immigrated to Canada to start his career as a professional artist.

Since the early 1970’s, Tinyan has held more than one hundred one-man shows in many of the major cities of North America. He made his entrance into the mainstream Canadian art society in the late 1970’s by becoming a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists (F.C.A). In 1983, he was the first Chinese artist to be elected by the F.C.A as a Senior Member of the association, thus being granted the title of S.F.C.A.

Tinyan won  several  International Awards and Medals. The extent of his achievements were acknowledged in the year 2011 when he was selected by the F.C.A to be the recipient of the “Lifetime Achievement Award”. This award was presented in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the world of art. Tinyan was the first Asian to receive such a high honour and accomplishment  in the 70 years history of the Federation’s establishment since 1941.

CHAH, Tinyan(陳田恩)_Cattleya(花香醉夢)_27x27 inch _Acrylic on Gold Paper(壓克力金箋)_$6,000