劉志新師生畫展『春的萌動』 - 中國畫之線條與色彩的魅力

展出時間:2018年4月21日(星期六)- 4月27日(星期五)
開幕禮: 4月21日(星期六)下午2時

參展藝術家: 劉志新  ( 老師)

 學生:涂小晓、盧冠羽 、孫瑀澤、張琰茹、劉思源 、
            張安奇 、雷思襄 、徐思益 、徐小棣 、張紫煜 、


本地名畫家劉志新認定這是個考驗成長的機會,藉以啓發學生們盡力將所學到的發揮創作為展品,爭取大型展 出的經驗,接受公開的評論,從而學習改進及增強自信心。

除了劉志新老師著名的工筆動物畫及文人山水畫外,大部份作品是十一位小畫家:涂小晓、盧冠羽、孫瑀澤、 張琰茹、劉思源、張安奇、雷思襄、徐思益、徐小棣、張紫煜、徐詣純的作品,可以感受到他們如何從基礎學起而至能掌握到中國畫的線條、佈局和顏色等基本功, 作品內容豐富,融合孩童的童真和熟練,如一度清泉,使人有心曠新神怡之感,全賴老師栽培、嚴挌督導之功。特別建議家長帶同孩童一起欣賞。


“The Motion of Spring - Beautiful Silhouette and Colour Palette of Chinese Painting” | Arts Exhibition of LIU Zhixin and His Students

Students:  Kevin LU, Sixiang LEI, Claire LIU,  Elliot SUN, Miranda TU, Cici XU, Teddy XU, Yichun XU,  Alice ZHANG, Angel ZHANG, Crystal ZHANG       

Exhibition Introduction:

Zhixin LIU, a well-known Chinese local artist, fully realizes this exhibition is a trial and testimony of growth and development for his students, a platform where they can demonstrate what they have learned and develop their own creation. It is an exceptional experience to exhibit their artworks and receive commentary from the public to further improve their skills and enhance their self-confidence.

Apart from Zhixin LIU’s famous paintings on animals and landscape, there are artworks from his eleven student painters: Miranda TU, Kevin LU, Elliot SUN, Crystal ZHANG, Claire LIU, Angel ZHANG, Sixiang LEI, Cici XU, Teddy XU, Alice ZHANG and Yichun XU. From the artworks of these eleven students, we can understand the process of their learning and creativity, as demonstrated by basics skills to mastery of lines and strokes, composition and use of color of Chinese paintings. The contents of their works are very multifaceted and full of childhood innocence, yet with proficiency, like a clear stream of spring water, and spectators will surely feel refreshed. The remarkable achievements of these young student artists are results of tireless cultivation and supervision of teacher Zhixin LIU. This exhibition is highly recommended to parents along with their children.