Upcoming Events & Exhibitions 活動預告

First Paintings Exhibition of IAG After Getting Over from COVID-19 Crisis

Time In Slowing Down Our Pace;  Holding Onto Our Dreams; Getting Ready to Launch ; and Looking Forward to Reunion.

Under the threat of COVID-19, the cities of British Columbia have become quiet and deserted.  Everyone is home bound and keeps distancing from one another. The International Arts Gallery in support of the advice of the City of Vancouver has closed temporarily from the public; yet we will open again once the crisis is over.

Though we are separated, we always think of our artists and friends; worry about the livelihood of our artists, and concern about the health and well being of our artists advisers and friends and especially the seniors. We send herewith our best regards to all.  Just to let you know that we are sentimentally connected, and hoping that each of us stays healthy,  maintain good spirit to get through this very difficult time.

We are also blessed that our family is safe and sound. In slowing down our pace we actually have more quiet time to ponder and plan ahead for a more meaningful future. As usual, monetary gain was not our top most priority of our endeavor; instead we always want to promote and introduce fine arts paintings, calligraphy and collectables to the communities in Canada, not as commercial commodities; but rather for the fulfillment of a meaningful life and nourishment for our souls. Along our path of discovery of fine arts in Vancouver, we see the fact that without much positive support from the government, most artists have to struggle to survive entirely on their own; their returns are totally disproportionate to the effort that they have made. This COVID-19 pandemic is actually a wake up call, reminding how fragile lives can be, even fame and fortune are helpless to turn around the situation. This global health crisis has given us a quiet moment to realign the priorities of our lives, and remind us to make our lives shiny with contribution to society.

At this moment of social and physical distancing,  the International Arts Gallery would like to remind and encourage each one that we are staying together. For our goals to keep moving on, we wish to make an Artists Call to all our Gallery Artists and Associate Artists for an exhibition to express your feelings and thoughts during this difficult crisis by your brushes and canvas. We will dedicate the first art exhibition right after this health crisis to your creation during COVID -19, as an occasion to witness our re-union and rejuvenation. We also hope this exhibition can cheer up the spirit of the communities, so everyone can be filled with hope and joy once again. Further, the International Arts Gallery will donate the full portion of Gallery proceeds of revenue from this exhibition to a local medical service institute (to be decided). We hope that everyone will take part in this exhibition. Due to our limited display spaces at the exhibition venue,  we can only allow a maximum of two artworks from each Gallery Artist; and one from each Associate Artist. Further details are enlisted as follows and please pay attention to the timeline and procedure.

For any questions please feel free to contact Katherine at Katherine@iagbc.com or call Katherine @ 778-879-5415 or John @ 604-230-1529.

暫緩腳步, 保持夢想, 期待出發, 快樂相聚






如有查詢可以電郵至:katherine@iagbc.com 或電:778-879-5415 (陳莫慧賢) 或 604-230-1529 (陳淑雄)

Theme: Art works shall be paintings created and inspired by the feelings, rethinking and sentiments in the midst of COVID-19. Art works to be accompanied by an artist’s statement to this effect in not exceeding 50 words.

主題:以藝術家在新冠肺炎疫情期間家居的靜思、體會、啟發或感懷而創作之藝術作品,並需附有不超 50字的藝術創作感受。

Title of Exhibition: To be Decided. Title should contain not more than 8 words, able to articulate the theme of the exhibition accurately and deeply in meaning.  We welcome any suggestions from artists.

Organizer: International Arts Gallery

Co-organizer: International Studies and Research Arts Centre

Date of Exhibition: Total of 14 days. To be hosted right after the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic is over and City of Vancouver has announced to resume normal condition.

Exhibition Venue: International Arts Gallery

Artists Qualified to Participate:

  1. Each Gallery Artist can submit up to a maximum of two artworks to the Exhibition.
  2. Each Associate Artist can submit one artwork to the Exhibition.
  3. Connected Artists by invitation can submit one artwork to the Exhibition.


Specification of Artwork:

  1. Artworks must be created during the COVID-19 pandemic and carry the theme of Exhibition as stipulated.
  2. Painting media can include Chinese Ink, water color, oil and acrylic paints. Need to consult co-organizer for other types or combination of media.
  3. Dimension of artworks (not inclusive of frames) are as follows:
  • For paintings on paper – must not exceed 19 in x 27 in (49 cm x 69 cm)
  • For paintings on canvas or on panel – must not exceed 20 in x 30 in (50.8 cm x 76.2 cm)
  • Can be vertical or horizontal
  1. Mounting and Framing – to be taken care of collectively by the International Arts Gallery.
  2. Artist’s Statement – Not exceeding 50 words. Can be part of the paintings or a separate written statement.

Procedure of Application:

  1. Application of number of entries must be made by Email on or before 20 May 2020 (Wed).
  2. Artwork(s) have to be delivered to the International Arts Gallery on or before 14 June 2020 (Sun) by postage or by hand. Please schedule and inform the date and time of delivery if it is done in person.
  3. Entry Fee: $50 for each artwork, payable at time of delivery. Entry fee will be used to cover the cost of mounting and framing and administration fee. (Artist not residing in Province of BC, Canada will be exempted from this payment)
  4. Artwork(s) delivered need not be mounted or framed., but must accompanied with info of:
  • Name of artist
  • Title of artwork
  • Dimension of artwork (in cm/in)
  • Media
  • Sale Price (inclusive of both artist/gallery shares)
  • Artist’s Statement not exceeding 50 words
  1. Artworks if unsold during Exhibition, shall be returned to the artist with frame after Exhibition.
  2. Organizer shall have final and indisputable discretion on selection and acceptance of artworks submitted.
  3. Share of Sales Proceeds:
  • 65% proceeds to artists; 35% proceeds to gallery. Sale price to be informed by artists at time of delivery of artwork.
  • All sales shall be subject to additional 12% Sales Tax (PST/GST).
  • International Arts Gallery shall donate the whole portion of sales proceeds to one medical service institute of Vancouver (to be determined).


  • All expenses relating to this Exhibition inclusive of graphic design and printing of Special Publication, Opening and Reception and other expenses are to be borne by International Arts Gallery.
  • Updated news of Exhibition shall be posted on the website of the International Arts Gallery.
畫展定名/題目:待定;並公開徵求,不超 8 個字之題目,以能確切、深度及含蓄表達主題為宜,作為參考。
1. 國際畫廊畫廊畫家每位最多可參展兩張,
2. 國際畫廊合作畫家每位可參展一張,
3. 其他友誼畫家獲邀請可參展一張。
1. 必需符合主題及是在疫情期間之創作;
2. 媒體可為國畫、油畫、水彩畫及丙烯畫;其他媒體需得主辦方同意。
3. 畫心大小:
  • 紙本作品畫心不可超過 19 in x 27 in (即 49 cm x 69 cm),
  • 布面或板面作品畫心不可超過 20 in x 30 in (即 50.8 cm x 76.2 cm)
  • 橫豎皆可
4. 裝裱:裝裱統一由國際畫廊負責。
5. 創作感受:不超五十字,可書於畫上或另附文字。


1. 請在5月20日(星期三) 前以電郵報名通知參展及張數;
2. 作品最遲於6月14日(星期日)前以郵遞或手遞至國際畫廊。如親自或派代表送到畫廊敬請預約。
3. 報名費用:每張參展作品收費 $50,來畫參展時交付 ;用以支付裝裱及行政費。(卑詩省境外畫家可以全部轄免有關費用)
4. 參展作品交來時毋需裝裱,但需有:
  • 作者名字
  • 作品名稱
  • 畫心尺寸 – 以in及cm算
  • 媒材
  • 售價 (包括畫家及畫廊分賬),及 
  • 一段不超 50字之心聲。
5. 參展作品連畫框在參展完畢後, 如作品未能售出, 將會歸還畫家。
6. 主辦方有全權接受或不接受參展作品而無須解釋原因,而其決定為最終決定。
  • 以畫家 65%,國際畫廊 35%分配。畫價由畫家來畫時定出。
  • 所有作品售價加 12% 銷售稅出售。
  • 國際畫廊此次畫展所得之一切收益,全數捐贈溫哥華之一家醫療機構 (代定)。
  • 有關特刊、開幕禮及其他畫展事宜由主辦方全部負擔費用及進行籌劃。
  • 詳細消息將定期於畫廊網址發布。



獲選畫家務必於2020年6月30日(星期二)下午4時(香港時間,UTC +08:00)之前把入圍作品交予香港雲峰畫苑(地址:香港九龍土瓜灣道88號新利華中心3樓全層,開放時間: 星期一至五(上午10時-下午5時),星期六日及公眾假期休息):
1. 親身或以委託人方式遞交作品;
2. 如未能親身或以委托人遞交作品,建議:
** 中國大陸必須以結實安全穩妥的方式包裝和保護作品,並以順豐速遞寄達;
** 其他國家必須以結實安全穩妥的方式包裝和保護作品,並以有信譽的國際速遞公司寄達。
1. 入圍作品將由大會統一以115.5 x 213.5cm或120 x120cm之標準尺寸裝配畫框展出,唯獲選畫家必須自行將作品裝裱好,且規格必須如下:
** 畫心為六尺整宣(約96.5x178cm),以米白素絹裱成115.5×213.5cm;或
** 畫心為方形作品(約100x100cm),以白素絹裱成120x120cm;或
** 如作品為組畫形式,必須以米白色素絹合裝裱成一張115.5×213.5cm或120x120cm的尺寸。
** 如作品為卷軸或裝裱後超過要求之尺寸,大會將視情況把卷頭或多出部分裁去,而不作另行通知。未按要求規格裝裱的作品,大會有權取消其參展資格。
2. 遞交作品時,請務必在作品背面右上角清楚註明以下項目:
1)畫家姓名;2)作品名稱;3)作品尺寸;4)聯絡地址;5)聯絡電話 」
