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Date: October 22nd , 2016 (Sat) – November 19th, 2016 (Sat)
Venue: International Arts Gallery (with other possible venue(s) as may be approved later)
- Overseas Artists: 4 artists from invited East Asian regions.
- Local Artists: Each regional co-organizer will select a group of local artists to participate.
Paintings Content: Paintings will include those which demonstrate respective regional culture, scenery, heritage and or other works of the respective regions’ artists.
Exhibition Details:
- Phase I: (October 22nd (Sat) – October 28th (Fri), 2016)
Oversea Artists joint exhibition with some selected works from local artists
- Phase II: (November 1st (Tue) – November 19th (Sat), 2016)
Works by local artists only
Openning Ceremony:
- Phase I: October 22nd (Sat) 2016 2:00pm at International Arts Gallery
- Phase II: November 5th (Sat) 2016 2:00pm at International Arts Gallery
時間:10月22日 (星期六)至 11月19日(星期六)2016
地點:國際畫廊 (其他可能展出地點由委員會決定)
- 海外畫家:東亞受邀地區每地區將邀請4位畫家
- 本地畫家:每地區將挑選一些的本地原籍於該地區的畫家參展
- 第一階段:10月22日 (星期六) 至 10月28日 (星期五) 2016
- 第二階段:11月01日 (星期二) 至 11月19日 (星期六) 2016
- 第一階段:10月22日 (星期六)2016 下午二時於國際畫廊舉行
- 第二階段:11月05日 (星期六)2016 下午二時於國際畫廊舉行
Greetings From Officials
(Please click the link for detail)
Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in Vancouver
Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver
Consulate General of Republic of Korea in Vancouver
Artists 藝術家
(For more information,please visit artists’ individual pages) /(查閱詳情,請點擊藝術家名字)
Overseas Artists by Region / 海外藝術家:
China / 中國地區
Born 1956 in Shanghai, Native of Zhenhai, Zhejiang, China. Member of the Chinese Artists Association, professor and dean of the Xu Bei Hong School of Arts at Shanghai Maritime University, chair of the Shanghai Community Culture and Arts Committee, part-time artist at the Shanghai China Art Academy.
Over the course of this career, he has been invited to many invitational exhibitions where his works have been recognized and awarded and held numerous solo and joint exhibitions both across China and Japan. He has been featured in media in magazine interviews and articles. In 2001 and 2002, respectively, he was the subject of Shanghai Television’s program, “Special Feature on Yue Zhen Wen”, and Shanghai Education Television Station’s TV feature, “Quietly Soaring – Interviewing Artist Yue Zhen Wen”.
He has also published 13 books of his art works and techniques, with many having participated in art and book exhibitions in China and Japan throughout the years. His very first art book was published as early as 1987, with the most recent from 2011 featuring a collection of his illustrations inspired by the sights in China during the Cultural Revolution.
上海海事大學徐悲鴻藝術學院院長 教授。
‘86年 「潤物細無聲」在上海美術展受奬
‘91年 海風中國畫展;
‘98年 上海百家藝術精品展,上海藝術博覽會;
‘99年 上海時代風彩畫展;
‘00年 全日本大繪畫展;
‘01年 上海美術大展,林風眠藝術研究會藝術探索展;
‘01年 上海電視台播放了電視専題片《楽震文特集》、同年10月在日本名古屋丸栄画廊舉辧了《花・鳥・風・月乐震文・張弛二人展》
‘02 年 水墨狀態•2002中國畫名家邀請展;
‘02年 上海教育電視台播放了電視専題片《靜靜地飛翔》―訪畫家樂震文。
‘04年11月在日本大阪阪神美術画廊舉辧了《四季之詩 乐震文・張弛二人展》
‘06年8月在日本銀座画廊舉辧了《大自然之詩 乐震文・張弛二人展》
‘07年8月在日本銀座画廊舉辧了《水墨之無常世界 乐震文・張弛二人展》、同年11月在上海朶雲軒画廊舉辧了《乐震文画展》
‘08年7月在上海[清淵堂畫廊]舉辧了《三人行蔡天雄 車鵬飛 樂震文山水畫精品展》
‘08 年5月25日 夫婦二人捐出5幅作品參與日華人書畫界舉行賑災義賣,中國大使捐款捐字;
‘08年11月28日 “百年海派——當代海派書畫家邀請展、清代嘉興籍海派名家作品展”,嘉興博物館和蒲華美術館;
‘09年11月29日 “對話山水——水墨四人展”,明圓文化藝術中心;
‘09年3月28日 “禪心清韻名家書畫展”,明圓藝術中心;
‘09年12月22日 “城市生活水墨畫展”M50上海大學美術學院九九創意中心;
‘10年 6月2日 “丹青歌盛世,翰墨頌年華”——民建中央畫院作品全國巡展,上海圖書館
2010年6月16日 “浦江兩岸盡朝暉”書畫作品展,上海圖書館;
2010年9月18日 恒源祥美術館香山畫院學術發展方向研討會紀要;
2010年 10月16日 “浦東開發開放20周年書畫精品展”,浦東新區圖書館;
2010年12月29日 首屆“海上風”上海書畫作品展,上海圖書館;
2011年1月10日 “2011畢卡索中國大展”閉幕儀式暨“未來星畢卡索兒童繪畫大賽”慈善拍賣晚宴,世博園中國館;
2011年5月6日 “2011年第三屆中國畫小品展”,上海圖書館;
2011年6月8日 “歷史的轉折——樂震文劉小晴革命勝景書畫展”,中共一大會址紀念館;
2011年 “新視線–上海、天津美術精品展”9月16日在上海劉海粟美術館,9月28日在天津西洋美術館;
2011年9月23日 紀念松江建縣1260周年書畫長卷冊頁創作,松江博物館;
2011年11月16日 “海上名家作品展”,香山畫院;
2011年11月23日 我本扇良——海派畫書名家邀請展”,上海800藝術區307“國粹堂”;
2011年12月16日 “澄懷觀道•上海中青年名家精品展”,上海壹號美術館;
2012年4月21日 “水墨縱橫——2012上海新水墨藝術大展”,朱屺瞻藝術館;
2012年5月14日 臨安清涼峰國家級自然保護區做創作基地考察;
2012年7月13日 “對‘畫’雙城”,上海藏真海派藝術館;
2012年7月17日 《國門•海風》黑龍江綏芬河市,並受邀前往海聖崴考察;
2012年8月12日 “上海名家汇云城——乐震文・张弛・姚继良书画联展”,加拿大温哥华国际画廊。
2012年9月13日 “魅力上海—海派文化巴西行” 、“中外藝術家畫上海”展覽,巴西法阿比孔子學院;
2012年10月26日 “城市印象——樂震文師生展”,ark gallery;
2012年9月~12月 “九省市聯展”全國巡迴作品展;
2012年11月28日 《三山五嶽—上海名家山水畫展》,上海美術館;
2012年11月10日 《華夏墨韻•中國畫名家邀請展》,上海展覽中心西二館;
2012年12月30日 第二屆“海上風”上海作品展,壹號美術館;
2013年4月12日 “上海書畫院畫師年展”,朱屺瞻藝術館;
2013年9月13日 “海上生明月———海派文化進齊魯書畫藝術展”,山東博物館;
2013年9月15日 “海上生明月——海派畫家走近孔子書畫展”,濟寧市博物館;
2014年6月6日 “翰青墨緣書畫展”,浦東老宅;
2014年9月21日 藝境——當代海派水墨名家作品展”,道南雅集;
2014年12月13日 “中華名山圖”作品發佈會,敬華藝術空間;
2014年12月16日 “海之門——上海•台州中國畫名家展”,上海書畫藝術館;
2014年12月18日 “荷風習習——紀念張大千荷花中國畫邀請展”,松江美術館;
2014年12月22日 “歲月留痕——城市文脈系列作品展”,上海書畫藝術館;
2015年1月15日 “涇川寫生展”,歐豪年美術館;
2015年1月16日 “承啟由心——翰青雅集一周年書畫作品展”,浦東老宅;
2015年2月12日 “朵雲軒乙未年迎新書畫聯展”,朵雲藝術館;
2015年2月13日 “海上當代書畫名家對聯展”,積萃書畫藝苑;
2015年3月16日 2015年上海書畫院畫師年展,上海書畫藝術館;
2015年4月28日 “上海書畫院畫師作品年展巡迴展”(台州站),台州市文化館;
2015年5月25日 “文人狀態 新水墨展2015”,上海馳翰美術館;
2015年6月16日 “清且涼兮——上海中青年瓷扇名家邀請展”,浦東老宅;
2015年7月1日 “上海畫家作品展覽”,烏蘇裏斯克畫家聯盟展覽館;
2015年8月2日 “醉清風——滬上中青年名家文人扇畫聯合展”,南京上元書院;
2015年10月3日 “城雙繫情——滬港名家書畫展”,香港藝術中心;
2015年10月24日 2015華人新聞界藝術創作聯展暨兩岸名家邀請展,臺北國父紀念館翠溪藝廊;
2015年12月23日 “吟賞詩情•品味畫意”以詩征畫中國畫展,上海圖書館;
2016年1月19日 “情系紅門•大愛無疆”藝術展暨慈善拍賣會,上海馳翰美術館;
『狀態水墨中國畫名家十人集』 在上海書畫出版社出版(2002年)
『四季燦々 樂震文作品集』‘(05年技術評論社)。
《樂震文畫集》,上海人民美術出版社,第1版 (2006年12月1日);
《革命勝景圖冊》,東方出版中心; 第1版 (2011年5月1日)。
Birth name ZHANG Yue Fang, she is a visiting professor and graduate school mentor at the Art Institute of East China Normal University in Shanghai. She is a member of the Shanghai Artists Association, artist at the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Institute, and a director of the Japanese Ink Wash Painting Art Association.
Her career as an artist started in 1975 when she was still young. For the next two years, until 1987, she studied at the China Academy of Art under her teacher, Lu Yan Shao, she specialized in landscape painting. Later that year, she travelled east to Japan and held over 50 solo and joint art exhibitions with Yue Zhen Wen around Japan.
Her works have been well recognized by the Japanese government. In 2001, at Japan’s 17th National Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, her piece “Waves” received the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs award, then in 2004, at Japan’s 24th National Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, her piece “Distant Time and Space” received the Japanese Governor of Tokyo award. In 2008, at Japan’s 32nd National Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, her piece “Relaxing Sound of Waves” received the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs award.
On the international stage, her piece “Red Mountain” was invited to participate in the 2008 Olympic Fine Arts Exhibition, and received the honor of being kept as part of the Olympic Fine Art Center collection.
In recent years, she continues to participate in joint exhibitions on the international stage at art exhibitions in Japan, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, receiving numerous recognitions throughout. Last year, she came to Vancouver for an invitational exhibition at the International Arts Gallery featuring her and other renowned female artists.
1987年東渡日本,在日本各地舉辦個展,[樂震文• 張弛二人展]五十多次
2015年參加在香港舉辦的《情糸雙城一一滬港名家書畫展》 2015年參加在北京中國美術館舉辦的《夢從東方來——東京新畫派藝術作品展》 2015參加在台北舉辦的《2015華人新聞界藝術創作聯展》
主要著書 [中國女畫家張弛畫集]1988年日本
[江山如畫——張弛作品集] 2012年上海
[高山流水——張弛作品集] 2013年上海
Born in 1964 in Shanghai, courtesy name “Yu Zhou”, pen name “Ruo Chun”, he is an artist of the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Institute and a member of Shanghai Artists Association.
Also named “Jiu Feng”, born in Shanghai in 1987, native of Ningbo, is an artist and scholar. He is working at a research unit of the Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Institute and a member of the Shanghai Artists Association. He is also an editor of “Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy” magazine, a member of “Shui Mo Yuan” Studio in Shanghai University of Fine Arts.
He has participated in numerous local and international art exhibitions, particularly in China and Japan. He is a young and prospective artist.
2006年 第18屆中日交流作品展 大阪藝術學院
2007年 第19屆中日交流作品展 大阪藝術學院
2009年 第五屆上海美術大展 上海美術館
2009年 上海青年美展 明圓藝術中心
2009年 上海藝術院校水墨藝術探索展 M50 99創意中心
2010年 天下一家——中國畫家彩繪中國2010上海世博會 上海美術館
2010年 2010今日當代藝術院校大學生年度提名展 北京今日美術館
2010年 《世博長卷《萬國風采耀浦江》》長卷合作繪製 中國館
2010年 2010傑出青年藝術家聯展 馬來西亞檳州博物館
2010年 全國中青年藝術家推薦展 明圓藝術中心
2011年 “大道之行”慶祝中國共產黨建黨九十週年書畫展 上海圖書館
2011年 紀念上海松江建縣1260週年 松江博物館
2011年 “愚人船”當代藝術展 上大美院雕塑大棚
2012年 “首屆全國九省市藝術聯展”南京站、杭州站、瀋陽站、四川站
2012年 對‘畫’雙城——上海、杭州藝術聯展 上海藏真海派美術館、杭州快意空間
2012年 “魅力上海——海派藝術巴西行”中外藝術家畫上海邀請展 巴西藝術博物館
2013年 上海書畫院畫師作品展 朱屺瞻藝術館
2013年 第七屆上海美術大展 中華藝術宮
2013年 翰青雅集——第一回 浦東老宅
2013年 水墨十年 美博會館
2013年 海上星象——青年工筆邀請展 圓明園公寓
2013年 賀歲水墨——水墨緣工作室寫生、小品展 美博會館
2014年 AArt上海城市藝術博覽會 上海衡山路十二號豪華精選酒店
2014年 AHAF Hong Kong 九龍馬哥孛羅酒店
2015年 賀歲水墨——水墨緣工作室年展 上海書畫藝術館
2015年 “後海派”上海2015當代水墨藝術家提名展(第一回) 半壁山房
2015年 第四屆全國九城藝術聯展上海站 朵雲軒藝術中心美術館
2016年 “城下”——朵雲軒當代中青年畫家聯合展 朵雲軒藝術館
2016年 水墨緣書畫年展 美博會館
2016年 首屆中國畫書畫作品展 中華藝術宮
2016年 繪卷物語——海上繪畫名家精品手卷聯展 朵雲軒藝術館
2016年 水墨拾方(第三回)——上海大學美術學院水墨緣工作室系列展 美博會館
2016年 上海新水墨藝術基地提名展 朱屺瞻藝術館
2011年 “愚人船”當代藝術展 上大美院雕塑大棚
2014年 翰青雅集——上海青年水墨書畫作品展 浦東老宅
2014年 翰青雅集——上海青年水墨藝術家推薦展 浦東老宅
2014年 度——上海中青年水墨邀請展 芊荷藝術空間
2014年 “承啟由心——海上名家推薦展” 浦東老宅
2015年 2015深圳城市藝術博覽會 深圳五洲賓館
2015年 “時代•擷英——上海當代水墨作品邀請展” 龍美術館西岸館
2015年 度2——上海中青年水墨邀請展 芊荷藝術空間
2016年 “心懷雅物”——翰青雅集2016書畫年展 浦東老宅
2010年 上海博物館編 廣西師範大學出版社出版《唐物》
2010年 上海中國畫院 《萬國風采耀浦江》
2011年 上海博物館編 北京大學出版社出版《蘭亭》
2011年 上海博物館編 北京大學出版社出版《婁水之東》
2012年 上海博物館編 北京大學出版社出版《紙》
2013年 上海博物館編 華東師範大學出版社出版《玉器》
2015年 上海書畫院編 上海錦繡文章出版社《上海書畫院:1989-2014》
2015年 上海書畫院編 上海文藝出版社《海上書畫人物年表彙編(一)》
Japan / 日本地區
He is a judge, president, and chairman of the Modern Japanese Ink Painting Association and an adjudicator of art and painting for the National Ink Painting Art Association. He is also a lecturer at NHK Academy where he is chief of the Ink Association. His book, Ink Wash Painting • Ink Play, was published in 1997 by Shusakusha-shuppan. In 2011, he held his 15th solo exhibition at Kiyosumi Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo.
現代日墨畫恊會會長 現代水墨畫恊會理事長 • 評審員 全國水墨畫美術恊會理事 • 評審員 NHK學園講師 遊墨會主宰
2002年設立現代日墨協會 為公募[現代日墨展]會長
2004年參加中日書法繪畫交流大展 作品[塔] [薔薇]被中國文化部收藏
He is a member of the Modern Ink Wash Painting Association. In 1956, he studied under Japanese artist Sato Murasakiun. In 1982, he was appointed vice president of the Modern Ink Wash Painting, and 1 year later at the Modern Ink Wash Painting Exhibition he received the Minister of Culture award in addition to various other recognitions.
He was born in 1943 in Kanagawa, Japan. He is an adjudicator of art and painting for the National Ink Wash Painting Fine Arts Association, a committee member of the Sharon Brown Art Association, and a member of the Shinagawa Art Association and the Modern Ink Wash Painting Artists Association.
He has been recognized twice with the Minister of Education Award at the Modern Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, and received the Minister of Foreign Affairs award as well as the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award at the Japanese National Ink Wash Painting Exhibition. Other awards to his name include the Modern Ink Wash Painting Award at the Japanese French Modern Art Exhibition and the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Speaker Award. He has also organized and participated in many solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions.
墨映會主宰 全國水墨畫美術恊會理事 • 評審員
沙龍 • 布朗美術協會委員 品川美術協會會員 現代水墨畫作家協會會員
獲[現代水墨畫派展]大獎2次 文部大臣獎勵獎,
[全日本水墨畫秀作展]外務大臣獎 文部科學大臣獎
現代水墨畫獎 ,[日法現代美術展]
東京都議會議長獎等 多次舉辦個展團體展
She is from Edogawa, Tokyo. She is a director of the National Ink Wash Painting Art Association, a member of the Modern Ink Wash Painting Association, vice president of the Entertainment Association, chief of the Japan Art Club’s Friends of Ink Club, and a lecturer of ink wash painting and Japanese picture letter painting. She has also published several art books with Shusakusha-shuppan. After the devastating earthquake in Japan in March 2011, she has volunteered teaching six times in Minamisoma in the past 3 years.
全国水墨画美術恊会 理事
現代水墨画協会 参与
栄華墨友会 主宰
水墨画講師・栄華流絵手紙 講師
2008 6 塔ー广场船堀 「個展」
2009 8 銀座武藏野画廊」 「個展」
2019 8 銀座金松画廊5F 「個展」
2016 12 葛飾区新小岩绿色咖啡一常設展
2016 9/23~27塔ー广场船堀娱乐会展 今年是第16届
出版書籍 秀作社出版
2000 5 「描绘山水、風景』新鋭画家10人集
2002 1 画集 水墨画達人系列「水墨画四季之詩情』
7 「水墨画描绘瀑布」10人 集
2003 8 「水墨画 描绘屋久島」10人集
2004 10 水墨画 描绘富士山 描绘新春
篠崎第二小学校 水墨画教室 7年
篠崎第二小学校「6年级歴史课水墨画教室 師導
2013 3〜2016 3.11大地震後 在南相馬义务教学6次
Korea / 韓國地區
Currently professor as well as dean of students at Honik University, Korea
Degree and master degree in oriental paintings at Hongik University, Korea
Former professor and director of the oriental painting department at Suwon University, Korea
Former director of Art Design Educational Institute at Hognik University, Korea
Former organizing committee member of the Art Bank at National Contemporary Art Gallery, Korea
Special awards in Grand National Oriental Art Contest as well as many other art competitions
Numerous Invitational Solo Art Exhibitions in Seoul and SuWon, Korea
Solo Invitational Exhibition at Farina Gallery in KQLN, German
Invitational Art Fairs in Korea, Japan, United States and German
Many other 400 national or international invitations for exhibitions
Numerous Works owned by well known institutions or art organizers including National Contemporary Art Gallery, Hongik University Museum, Blue House, Swish, Italian, Polish embassy offices, and etc.
Degree in Korean Art Painting, Won Kwang University
Master degree, Dankook University
Individual/Invitation Exhibitions 15 times at various cities in Korea
2009 Asian Art Festival Booth Invitation Show (International Trade Center, Beijing in China)
Korean and Chinese Excellent Artists Invitation (798 Gallery, Beijing in China)
Korean Traditional Artists Exhibition (Korean National Contemporary Gallery)
Invitation Exhibition of Three Provinces in Korea (Dea Chun City Art Gallery)
Korean and Chinese Art Exhibition (Chinese Sachun Sun Gallery)
Internationally and nationally numerous art exhibitions (over 400 shows)
Former jury at Korea Grand Art Contest
Former jury and executive adviser at Chunbuk Provincial Art Contest
Numerous Invitation Artist, Jury/Executive Adviser at nationally or provincially well known art exhibitions or contests
A member of Korea Artists’ Association
A member of Full-Time Korea Artists’ Association
Former Instructor at YeWon Art School within Dankook University
Current Address; Chunbuk, Korea
Many works owned by well-known institute and private collectors
B.F.A Department of Fine Arts Education, Chungbuk National University
M.F.A Department of Fine Arts, Hongik University
Solo Exhibition 18th
2010 Musim Gallery, Cheongju, UM Galler, Seoul – ‘draw, thing’
2012 Gallery Grimson (Seoul) – Beauty & desire, thing
2013 Steps Gallery (Tokyo) – 2013 Beauty & Desire, thing
2013 Nuha-dong 72 (Seoul) – Seo-chon & KIM JEONG-HEE & Kim, Jeong-hee
2014 HYUNDAI Department Store-Gallery H, Cheongju – 2014 Beauty & desire, Thing
2015 MAKII MASARU FINE ARTS (Tokyo) – 2015 Beauty & desire, thing
Group Exhibition
2010 Lifescape in Art (Pohang Museum of Steel Art, Pohang)
2010 Eastern Asia 3 national contemporary art – The new center and the future (Schema Art Museum, Cheongju)
2011 Korea currently strata of the contemporary art (Art Space SAGA Gallery, Kyoto)
2011 ART CODE 2011 (Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju)
2012 2012 International Visual Arts Symposium & Exhibition (Schema Art Museum, Cheongju)
2012 Light : Shadow (Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju)
2013 Inevitable Coincidence (4-Face Space Gallery, Beijing)
2014 Start for a walk (Supsok Gallery, Cheongju)
2014 Message in a plastic bag (Marunuma Art Park, Asaka)
2014 -PACCA-Another meet me (Schema Art Museum, Cheongju)
Present Professor of Chungbuk National University, Department of Fine Arts
Currently director of Association of Korea Figure Painting, Advisor Professor of Sangmyeong University as well as Director of the Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organization of Korea
Degree and master degree in Fine Arts at Hongik University, Korea
Graduation at Ontario College of Art, Canada
Invitational exhibitions at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Korea,
Numerous solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally including Chev Chase Gallery, Washington DC, United States and Citadadel Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Daebuk Galler, Twain, International Exchange Gallery, Osaka, Japan, China Art Institute Gallery, China, and etc.
House & Wife exhibitions
Special awards in various art contests including Monte Calo international contemporary art festival and 51 Salon Violet
Awarded Formative Art Award in Monte Carlo International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Awarded Silver Prize in the ’51 Salon Violet
Awarded World Peace Educator Award Awarded Korea Art Culture Award (the Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organization of Korea)
Numerous works owned by well-known institutes and collectors around the world
Taiwan / 台灣地區
He is from the Taitung County of Taiwan. In 1966 he graduated from the National Chung Hsing University Department of Agronomy. He became a lecturer of agronomy in Taiwan, later furthering his studies in Japan at Kyushu University. In 1973, he received his Master of Agronomy, and five years later his Doctorate of Agronomy, from the Faculty of Agriculture. He was appointed to the Office of the President Taiwan National Human Rights Advisory Committee in 2010.
His first exhibition as an artist was in 1985 when his piece “The Spirit of Dragons and Horses” was chosen for the inaugural Government of Taiwan Art Exhibition. Since then, he has been invited to participate in numerous art exhibitions throughout the years.
• 日本九州大學農學博士(專長:遺傳學,基因工程)
• 曾任國立彰化師範大學生物系副教授,教授,系主任
• 曾任監察院第二屆監察委員
• 現任監察院第三屆監察委員
• 85年第一屆中央機關美展──『龍馬精神』西畫類入選
• 87年监察院暨審計部員工美展————『獨立超然』、『清澈見底』、『畫中有畫』、『大吉大利』
• 89年富彩畫會2000聯展──『1999年最長久的夕陽』
• 89年人體畫學會第九次聯展──『跨越世紀』
• 90年第三屆中央機關美展──『獨到之處』邀請展出
• 90年監察院暨審計部員工美展──『監察方面』、『高風亮節』、『深究到底』
• 91年人體畫學會第十次聯展──『媳婦求福』
• 91年人體畫學會第十次聯展──『媳婦求福』
• 91年第四屆中央機關美展——『健康步道』邀請展出
• 91年富彩畫會2002聯展──『無限前程』
• 92年監察院監察委員西畫創作聯展──『High到幾點』等十幅
• 92年人體畫學會第十一次聯展──『2002最佳男足腳』
• 92年第五屆中央機關美展──『處處見生機』邀請展出
• 93年第六屆中央機關美展──『往總統府之路』邀請展出
LAI Chiu Mei, born 1957 in Pingtung County of Taiwan, earned her Master of Fine Arts from the Tainan University of Technology Department of Fine Arts.
Because she loves dogs, she enjoys making dogs the subject of her art. The artworks in her collection featuring the deaths of her own dogs are extremely imaginative, rich, and versatile, such as “Dou Dou Gives Birth”, “Wander”, “Dog Searching”, “Dog People”, and “Coward”. From fated meetings with other dogs came the creation of her “Faces of Furry Children” collection, featuring the bold and lively use of colours and purposeful brush strokes to give each dog the most beautiful coloration. The mood of playing with colors integrated multi-layered techniques with modern graffiti concepts, stacking colours together layer after layer. This allowed her pieces to retain the unique characteristic of classic oil painting, while emitting the fun of freedom in contemporary styles.
賴秋美 1957 台灣屏東 台南應用科技大學美術研究所碩士
Originally from Taiwan, Deborah Wu moved to the United States in 1982. In pursuit of her interests, she enrolled at the Los Angeles Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising to study fashion design. This started her career in the fashion apparel industry, which brought her across USA, Europe, and China.
Because the fashion apparel industry called for creative designs and artistic illustrations, the search for aesthetics was often on Wu’s mind. In 1990 while in China for business, Wu took time out to attend Fujian’s Gulangyu Design Institute and studied ink wash painting. In 1995, she returned to Taiwan and settled in preparation for retirement. Amidst her busy work life, she studied oil painting at Taichung National Center of Fine Arts. In the past 20 plus years, she has participated in numerous joint exhibitions and held three solo exhibitions.
She is honoured to be invited by our organizing committee to participate in the Spirit of Harmony Invitational Exhibition of East Asian Artists. On display are four of her recent works:
• Utopia – visited Hokkaido, Japan to admire leaves in a sea of red, upon return using the spray technique, painted out this maple red landscape that is like a utopia
• Snowy Village – travelled to Northern Europe, met by intricate icy snowflakes and the firsthand experience of a small town’s peace and quiet, painted the true feelings of a snowy village
• Living High, Looking Down – from her Taichung residence looking down outside, using simple and firm lines to paint out a red night landscape
• Boundless Skies – sitting quietly in meditation, thinking about the universe, painted these boundless skies
於 1982 年移民美國,因興趣進入洛杉磯 FlDM 設計學院進修服裝設計,此後從事服飾行業,旅跨歐美大陸。
因為服飾行業所需創意設計和繪圖,追尋美學常縈繞胸臆。1990在大陸經商期間抽空去福建鼓浪嶼設計專校學習水墨。1995 回台定居為準備退休後興趣,在業務百忙中去台中國立美術館學習油畫,至今 20 多年參加多次聯展及三次個展。
Born in 1952, she attended Shu-Te University specializing in interior design, and is a Master of Fine Arts from the National Kaohsiung Normal University College of Arts.
Her creative philosophy is rooted in natural vitality and the belief that a beautiful landscape is able to soothe and heal the human spirit. When landscape becomes the muse for an artist, what landscape art conveys is no longer just the depiction of a beautiful scene; it is also the self-projection and most honest response towards nature from the artist’s heart. Chasing naturalness to express the heart’s feelings and emotions, art, through emotion and self-reflection, is the objectification of the heart’s inner spirit.
Her life experiences enriched her perspective of life through tough lessons, and combined with perseverance, thus creates splendor and radiance for her innate world of art. However, this world also needs to develop from an individual’s spiritual development, introspection, and life experiences.
1998年 具象畫室聯展
1999年 美、愛、陽光義賣展
1999年~2001年 南風油畫學會聯展
2011年~2014年 南風油畫學會聯展
2012年~2014年 高雄美術協會聯展
2013年 台北國父紀念館聯展
2014年 屏科大聯展
2014年 厚澤美術研究會會員聯展
2014年 應高雄市政府文化局擔任貨櫃候船室公共藝術創作評選委員
2015年 台灣輕鬆藝術博覽會展覽、華山文創產業園區‧台北
自然的精神性,美好的風景能撫慰療癒人們的心靈,當風景成為畫家筆下的藝術創作時,風景畫所傳遞 的不再只是美景的再現,更是藝術家內心的自我投射以及對自然最真切的回應。追求自然物象,表達心中的自我感受、情感。畫,透過感性及內觀的領悟是內心精神的物化。
Local Artists by Region of Origin / 本地藝術家:
China / 中國地區
Professor LI Xing Jian is the Professor Emeritus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, and a renowned artist in the field of Landscapes. He was born in Wuhan City of Hunbei in 1937, and later studied in the Guangzhou Fine Arts Institute and High School, and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He stayed in the Central Academy of Fine Arts assuming teaching posts for a long time until his retirement. He received instructions from famous Master painters including Ye Qiangyu, Li Kuchan and Jiang Zhaohe and became the loyal and faithful adherent on landscape arts of Chinese prominent painting master Li Keran, focusing in landscape paintings. He had visited and toured many great mountains and rivers in China, Europe, Northern America and Asian continents, researching and studying their characteristics.
His artworks do not just adhere to the thick and deep painting style of Li Keran, they also develop a distinctive style of “true and genuine emotion, refreshing tastes and aspiration to viewers”. His creation concept is “to root in the foundation of Li Keran, to include other theories broadly, so as to promote change and progress”. He is determined to create his own individuality and artworks outlooks.
![]() Hometown of Qu Yuan | ![]() Noble as a Mountain, Far-Reaching as a River | |
![]() Misty Rain in Jiangnan | ![]() Song of Fishermen |
李行簡教授是中國中央美術學院的榮休教授, 中國著名山水畫家,1937年出生於湖北武漢,先後在廣州美術學院附中及中央美術學院研習, 並留校長期任教直至退休。他曾受名師如葉淺予、李苦禪、蔣兆和等的指導, 並成為中國畫壇大師李可染山水畫的謫傳弟子,主攻山水畫。他並曾遍訪中國名山大川及歐美亞洲多地, 研究考察,所以他的作品既秉承李可染的凝重深厚筆法,又建立自已「情真意切、質樸自然、格調新穎、耐人尋味」的獨特風格。他的創作意念是「以李為本、廣取博採、力圖蛻變」,以創造個人的藝術面貌。
![]() 屈原故里 | ![]() 山高水长 | |
![]() 江南烟雨 | ![]() 漓清渔唱 |
Born in Tianjin, China, in 1942, he is a lone spirit travelling between two cultures, between two worlds. In his evolution as an artist, this master painter has assimilated elements of Western art and combined them with Eastern tradition in his own intuitive style. Reaching within, his soul becomes the palette onto which he breathes his dreams in vivid colors, shapes and patterns that tell a story.
An acclaimed artist in his native land, he was the Associate Professor of Oil Painting in Institute of Fine Arts, a Fellow of the Beijing Oil Painting Society and a member of the All China Artists Society. He jointly published Oil Painting Techniques with the Deputy Dean of the Central Institute. Widely collected and admired throughout the People’s Republic of China, his work can be found in the Tianjin Institute of Fine Arts, Nanjing Art Gallery, Guangzhou Art Gallery and the Anhui Art Gallery.
In his paintings, he seeks to speak a truth – a truth that searches for “that one clear spot past a life that is contradictory and chaotic”. Hence his creations have a quiet, still beauty over which are transposed layers of contradicting patters and free-floating forms – characters, birds, circles, squares, faces, cards, Yet somehow, they float in harmony, unencumbered by all of life’s confusion.
With his first series of paintings, he creates a new story within each painting, but he doesn’t tell it to us like this story. He suggests, symbolizes, implies, so that we, the viewers, can take our own interpretive journey merely guided by his insight – the insight of a modern-day master who spans two cultures, who creates a pathway and beckons us to follow.
Membership in Art Organizations:
Member of National Artists Association of China
Member of Oil Painting Research Association of China
1962-1967 The Central Fine Art Academy of China, Oil Painting Department
1959-1962 Art High School Attached to the Central Fine Art Academy of China
1993-1997 Professor of Fine Art Academy of Tianjin, China
1983-1985 Teaching in the Central Fine Art Academy of China
1967-1983 Teaching in the Fine Art Academy of Tianjin, China
1985 Went to the United States of America
1988 Joint Dyansen Gallery, New York
Member of the Oil Painters of America
Member of the California Artist Club
Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists
Ivy graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts High School in 1958. After graduation from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1962, she started her teaching career at the Academy, and also served as an editor of the “Guangdong Illustrated” and “Guangdong People’s Publishing House”.
After 1979 she has lived in Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States and finally settled down in Canada. She has been engaging in oil painting and teaching till now. She has over twenty solo exhibitions and eight publications of art albums. She has done portraits for many world famous politicians and celebrities, including former president of Indonesian President Suharto couples, former Vice President of Taiwan Hsieh Tung Min, former Chief of National Defense HAU Pei Tsun, Chairman of World Media Group WANG Shi Fu,influential Taiwan entrepreneur WANG Yung Ching couples, former Dean of Taipei Veterans General Hospital PENG Fang Gu couples, former Miss Hong Kong Loretta Chu and many others. Ivy was invited by the Tianjin People’s Fine Arts Publishing House in 2007 to publish “Overseas Chinese Painters – Ivy Chuang” and “Overseas Chinese Oil Painting Selection” in 2011.
Ivy’s oil painting portrait of Prime Minister Stephen Harper was also collected by the Prime Minister’s Office.
Born in 1941 in Taiwan. Immigrated to Canada in 1992. He has been in the teaching post for 21 years, and responsible for edition of teaching curriculum. He assumed the following posts and titles: Chief Director of the International Arts Exchange Association; President of the Chinese Culture Arts Association of Canada; Coordinator in Chief of the Joint association of the United Chinese Arts Council of Canada; Honorary Advisers of Chon Mun Calligraphy and Ink Paintings Study Center of Japan; Bamboo Bridge Calligraphy Paintings and Arts Study Center of Germany; China Calligraphy and Paintings Newspaper,; XU Bei Hong Arts Council as well as the Exchange Committee of the Chu Tak Memorial Museum. He was also the Deputy Chief Executive of the Preparatory Committee of Calligraphy and Painting Session in Celebration of 2008 Olympics by International Chinese; Co-author of the ” Light of Olympic Long Scroll”. He was awarded “International Outstanding Achievement Award Artist” in 2009. He is currently a special researcher of the Fu Dan University of Shanghai; Deputy Executive Director of the International Calligraphy and Painting Development Forum; Director of Arts, International Arts Gallery, Vancouver; Chairman of the International Heartfelt Arts Research Center as well as the President of the Landscapes Paintings Study Center of North America.
He is a famous Chinese painter born in 1957 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. He studied at the Hangzhou Arts School and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. He currently serves as a professor of Arts Academy in Hangzhou University, and an art journal editor and so on.
Since 1976, his artworks have participated in various domestic and international art exhibition. He has won more than 90 awardsand created more than 400 art pieces. He had eight personal exhibitions, donated more than 80 pieces of artworks to National Museum in China. He has published many articles and books including “Guo Hang-Jian Paintings” and “Chinese Folk Crafts Album”.
He is the winner of the Silver Award of the Chinese Painting Category at the 1st Canada Chinese Arts Bridge Art Competition 2014.
著名国画家、旅加华人艺术家郭杭建先生: 1957年生于浙江杭州,先后就读于“杭州工艺美术学校”及“浙江美术学院”。现担任杭师大工艺美术研究院教授、“大江东去"艺术期刊总编等职多项。
Japan / 日本地區
The art of Yasuo Araki is about people. Yasuo uses motifs such as people, stars, sun and the moon because every living entity is a part of the universe.
In 1945, at the age of 6, Yasuo fled from the hell that rained down from the B-29 bombers during the war, destroying his quiet hometown of Yamanashi, Japan. This wartime experience led him to engage in peacemaking efforts at a grass root level. It is also what made him determine to become an artist who communicates the message of peace through art.
In 1964, Yasuo graduated from Musashino Art College in Tokyo. Four years later, in 1968, he left Japan at the age of 29, on a one way ticket to Vancouver, Canada. A few years after arriving in Canada, Yasuo was employed by the BC Ministry of Education as a graphic designer, where he worked for 9 years.
Since then, Yasuo has gone on to actively exhibit his work across Vancouver and around the world. He has held numerous solo exhibitions and participated in various group shows all around the Lower Mainland in Vancouver, Seattle, and Japan, for a total of over 80 art exhibitions.
Most recently, in August 2015, Yasuo flew to Las Vegas where he was asked to paint a mural in a brand new health clinic. Presently, Yasuo Araki proudly owns and operates the Araki Gallery International Inc., located in the Pan Pacific Hotel Vancouver at Canada Place, since 1989.
“If artists lead the way, then through their works, perhaps the goal of peace can be achieved. I dream of the day when we can usher in a new Renaissance, one that is filled with human vitality and is capable of enriching people’s lives. When you have a conviction to work for peace, no dream will ever go unanswered.” – Yasuo Araki
![]() Sincerely | ![]() Pierrot’s Dream | |
![]() Sounds of Hope | ![]() Life’s Open Journey |
Motoko was born and raised in Japan and immigrated to Canada when she was 29. She has been operating her own Gallery on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, British Columbia since 2005 attracting many art lovers and collectors.
As she grew up in Japan, the philosophy of Zen deeply influenced her cultural and artistic background. It is a peaceful, gentle and harmonious way of life, which she feels we could all benefit from, especially in this current time. Much violence, conflict and suffering in the world would diminish. Motoko’s art is also influenced from the beautiful nature surrounding where she lives.
Motoko’s goal is to create paintings which bring joy and happiness to people in their daily lives. She wishes to generate calm, peaceful and harmonious energy in people’s hearts and minds yet still intrigue their imagination.
Artist Name: Motoko Baum
Birth Date and Place: March 26, 1964, Japan
Gallery Address: Motoko’s Fine Art Gallery, 4590 Sinclair Bay Road, Garden Bay, BC, V0N 1S1
Gallery website and contact: 604-883-9472 | |
Motoko’s Fine Art Gallery 2005 – Current
2005 Solo Exhibition, Universe
2006 Solo Exhibition, Emerald Meadow
2007 Solo Exhibition, Healing Water
2008 Solo Exhibition, Enlightenment
2010 Solo Exhibition, Mirage
2012 Solo Exhibition, Blue Glacier
Art Publisher Representation
Hambleton Fine Art, Vancouver, BC
Books & Magazine
Cover page “Women of Pender Harbour”
Spectacular Homes in Western Canada
Sunshine Coast Life Magazine
Artists in BC
The Sunshine Coast, Harbour Publishing
Zoom Magazine
Western Living
Toronto Star
TV programs
Artist in the House, Coast Cable TV program
Global TV News
Isao was born in Saitama, Japan. Isao was an active commercial artist, running an art studio
called Exhibition Design Studio. Isao shifted from commercial art to genuine art.
1992: Private exhibition「The Wind of the Rockies」at TOBU, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan.
1993: Private exhibition「Lands, Seas and Skies」at HSBC Canada Bank in Canada Building and also at Sinclair Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
1994: Private exhibition「Sixty Scenes of Japan」at Aberdeen Centre, Richmond.
1996: Private exhibition「Rhapsody of Flowers and Water」at Sinclair Centre,Vancouver.
1998: Became an associate member of the Federation of Canadian Artists.
1999-2000: Instructor for「Adult Water Colour Workshop」at Vancouver School Board.
2001: Private exhibition「A Timeless Moment」at Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver.
2003: Private exhibition at Kawaramachi, Maruzen, Kyoto, Japan.
2006: Private exhibition「From the North Woods」at Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan.
2006: Private exhibition「Western Painting」at Sogo, Chiba, Japan.
2008: Private exhibition「Western Painting」at Mitsukoshi, Chiba, Japan.
2011: Private exhibition「Kyoto in my Heart」at Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver.
Isao passed away in December 2014.
1992年: 日本の東京池袋TOBUにて個展 「ロッキーの風」を開催。
1993年: バンクーバー、ホンコンバンク及びシンクレアーセンターにて個展
1994年: リッチモンド、アバディーンセンターにて個展
1996年: バンクーバー、シンクレアセンターにて個展
1998年: カナダ連邦芸術家協会のアソシエイツメンバーに推挙される。
1999~2000年: バンクーバー、スクールボードにて
2001年: バンクーバー、ウィスティンベイショアホテルにて個展
2003年: 日本の京都、河原町丸善にて個展
2006年: 日本の東京、国立市にて個展 「北の森から」を開催。
2006年: 日本の千葉県そごうにて個展 洋画展開催。
2008年: 日本の千葉県三越にて個展 洋画展開催。
2011年: バンクーバー、コーストプラザホテルにて個展
Joyce was one of the first Canadians to be bestowed Signature Member of the National Watercolor Society (NWS – U.S.A.). She was also one of the first women to be given the top ranking title in the Federation of Canadian Artists as a Senior Signature Member (SFCA). Exhibitions of her works in national and international juried exhibitions have earned her many articles internationally. Some of these include the books, Painting Composition (US), Painting Color (US), Abstract in Watercolor (US), Best of Watercolor (US), Looking In, Looking out (Canada); the magazines , American Artists (US), Art Impressions (Canada), Asahi Graph (Japan), Watercolour Gazette (Canada); International Artists (Australia); Viewpoint, (Canada) and the dailies, Vancouver Sun (Canada), and Times Colonist (Canada).
Joyce was born in Steveston, B.C., and spent her first 4 years in the internment camp, Lemon Creek, B.C., then in Japan for 9 years. Her return to Canada took her to Montreal for 2 years then back to Richmond. Years after obtaining her Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration Degree from the University of B.C., she studied art at Kwantlen and Langara colleges.
Joyce comments: “My Paintings represent my personal response to my environment. My ideas are not whole but fragments of what fascinate me and are seeds from which my works begin to develop. As a result, although my works undoubtedly have roots in my daily living, they may be a good deal removed from reality; some of them may be quite representational while others become abstracts.”
Korea / 韓國地區
1989 Graduated LUXUN Art University in China
1989~1995 Art teacher Teacher’s College, Shenyang, China
- 1990 Won the three prize at the Shenyang Art fair
- 1992 Regional National Art Exhibition won the outstanding award
- 2011 and 2013 Participated in Vancouver Korea Art Exhibition
KyungAh Hwang is a Vancouver based artist who was born in 1961 in Seoul, South Korea. She received B.F.A from Dongduk Women’s University in 1984, and completed a printmaking course (woodcut and silkscreen) in Hong-Ik University. She also studied ceramics sculpture in E-In Ceramics Studio in Seoul.
Since 1984, she established and directed multiple art institutions in Korea as the principal director until 1997 when she opened her private studio. She continued teaching in her studio until 2005.
Immigration to Vancouver, Canada in 1999 marked her renewed stylistic approaches. She is an active member of Korean Artists Association in Vancouver since 2001, and had numerous solo and group shows in South Korea and Canada since 1984. Her works have been acquired by private art collectors in both North America and Asia.
She is currently based in her studio in Westwood Plateau, Coquitlam, BC, Canada.
Seonok (Carrie) Lee was born in South Korea and moved to Canada to
expand and develop her artistic aspirations. She received a bachelor of fine arts and a master degree in education for oriental painting. Lee actively participated in the numerous group and solo exhibitions while she worked as a high school fine art teacher and a university lecturer for many years. Her passion for painting has been the biggest inspiration to launch her into the second chapter of her life in her new homeland of Canada, and to help her cope with adaptation to the slower paced life in this country.
Lee’s work focuses exclusively on flowers and nature, which she presents with an attitude of sincerity and contemplation, and in a highly refined and sophisticated style. The unique strength of her work enables her to harmonize the composition, color, ones and shapes effortlessly, and makes the viewers feel as if the life hidden in nature might come out of the plants.
Lee won the 1st prize in the provincial art contest in South Korea and has exhibited her work in South Korea, Japan, China, India, and in Canada. She has continued to pursue her artistic interest through numerous exhibitions in B.C Lower Mainland since 2002. Despite being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2013, Lee continues to teach at Langley community service society (LCSS) while being treated.
Master of education (Specializing in Fine Arts), Kangwon National University, South Korea, 1985
Bachelor of education (Specializing in Fine Arts), Kangwon National University, 1982
2nd Prize from “Arts 2011” a juried Exhibition of Visual Art at Surrey Art Gallery, 2011
People’s choice award in Langley Centennial Museum, 2011
1st Prize from Kangwon Provincial Fine Arts Festival, 2000
Special Prize from Kangwon Provincial Fine Arts Festival, 1999
3rd Prize from Kangwon Provincial Teachers’ Art Festival, 1987
3rd Prize from kangwon Provincial Teachers’ Art Festival, 1984
3rd Prize from kangwon Provincial Fine Arts Festival, 1981
Private Exhibition:
Solo exhibition in Chunchon City Art Gallery, South Korea, 2000
Current Activities:
Art Instructor of Langley Community Service Society
Membership of Langley Art Council
Membership of Surrey Art Council Group and Invitational Exhibitions:
Group and invitational exhibitions. Oriental colour painting group exhibition – Newton cultural centre art gallery. July 3~31, 2015
“Searching for nature’s relevance” Exhibition with Mary-Lou Williams. Newton cultural centre art gallery. July 2013.
“The ALdergrove fair country carnival Turkeyfest and 101st Aldergrove agricultural exhibits show, July 19~21,2013
“Langley art studio tour” open home studio. 2011~2013, Sept. 1st-2nd
“2013 Christmas card competition a juried exhibition. Dec. 2~15, 2013
“Langley international festival cultural art gallery-Willoughby community park at Langley event center, Aug. 24~26, 2012
Attended 2012 Aldergrove Fair days – Theme “Country carnival, 100 years of growth, July 21~22 2012
Langley arts council’s ”Art in found spaces” Horse and agriculture exhibitions. Langley township municipal hall, Aug. 1~ Sept. 27, 2012
“Langley Newcomers (LCSS) Exhibition” @B.C. Langley City Hall(Langley Art Council). Apr. 2nd – May 27th 2012
“Arts 2011” A Juried Exhibition of Visual Art at Surrey Art Gallery, Jun-Aug 2011
“Hooves, Ploughs and Planting Fields” Juried Agricultural Art from the Fraser Valley @ Langley Centennial Museum, Jun-Aug 2011
“From Across The Oceans Diversity In Local Art” at Fort Langley Centennial Museum, Sep 2010 – Jan 2011
Korean-Canadian Artist Accociation Exhibition “Recompose” at Deer Lake Gallery, Burnaby, Dec 2010
BC Korean Artists Association’s exhibition in support of North Korean Kids suffering from famine, Covan Art Gallery, Kitsilano, Vancouver, April 2009
Fantasy for Flowers, Covan Art Gallery, Kitsilano, Vancouver, Feb. 2008
10th Group Exhibition, BC Korean Artists Association, Covan Art Gallery, Kitsilano, Vancouver, Oct-Nov 2008
9th Art Exhibition of BC Korean Artists Association, Covan Art Gallery, Kitsilano, Vancouver, 2006
Group show, Westwind Art Gallery, Langley, Jan 2006
Duo-exhibition between myself and Kyung-A Hwang, Covan Art Gallery, Kitsilano, Vancouver, April 2005
Group show, Howe Street Gallery of Fine Art, Vancouver, July 2005
Foyer Art Programme, Langley Centennial Museum, 2004
8th Exhibition for BC Korean Artists Association, Covan Art Gallery, Kitslano, Vancouver, 2004
Acorn Art and Image, Langley Outdoor Art Exhibition, 2004
Appeared in Shaw Multicultural TV Channel’s “People in Focus” as a BC artist from South Korea as a landed immigrant
7th Exhibition for BC Korean Artists Association, Covan Art Gallery, Kitslano, Vancouver, 2003
Korean Heritage Art Festival, Plaza of Nations, Vancouver, 2003
Group show, Surrey Art Gallery, Nov 2003
Windows on Langley, Langley Centennial Museum and National Exhibition centre, 2003
29th Choonchoo Fine Arts Exhibition, 2001
New Millenium Korean Painting Exhibition: Looking for new way of thinking, Seoul City Arty Gallery, South Korea, 2001
Kangnung National University Lecturers’ Exhibition, South Korea, 2001
Korea and China Cultural Exchange Exhibiton, Simyang, China, 2000
Korean Contemporary Art 2000, South Korea, 2000
27th Choonchoo Fine Arts Exhibition, South Korea, 2000
Image from The East: Modern Paintings from Korea, Art Konsult, New Delhi, India, 1999
Millenium Identity Front 2000, South Korea, ,1999
Korea and Japan Cultural Exchange Exhibition, Hou City Hall and Culture Hall, Japan, 1999
![]() Morning Prayer |
Degree in Fine Arts, JungAng University
Master degree in Fine Arts, Sungshin Women’s University 1980
Numerous group exhibitions; B.C Korean Art Association 1998-2016
Solo Exhibition, Covan 02 art Gallery, 2016
Vancouver Art Fair, 2015 ~ 2016
Solo Exhibition, Covan art Gallery, 2007.
![]() Dance of Spring |
Specialized in Oriental-Korean Painting: Degree in Oriental Art Painting, University of Won-Kwang, South Korea
Winter Wonderland Show; Art in Found Space, sponsored by Langley Art Council from Nov 30, 2015 – Feb 12, 2016
Juried selection and exhibition for Biennale 2015 in Mission
Langley Art Tours
Selected and exhibited in international art exhibition Generation One in UBC Asian Center, 2013
Won the first prize on watercolor in 2012 Surrey Art Gallery
Awarded Honorable Mention in the contest, sponsored by Canadian Watercolor Society, Courtney/Vancouver Island, 1996
Vancouver-Korean Artists Group Show at Deer Lake Gallery,
Solo exhibition in Burnaby Art Council, 1995
Numerous Group Exhibitions in Seoul, 1987-1992
Awarded in the Grand National Art Competition of Korea, 1983, 1986 – 87
Specially awarded in the Grand National Art Competition of Korea,1984-85
Artist Statement
Jongkook Kim was born and grew up in Korea, and immigrated to Canada with his wife for a new adventure in 1993. Language and cultural difference have been a great challenge but also given him another opportunity to learn and grow in many ways. His specialty is to paint nature and landscapes on the rice paper by using brush and oriental colors. Nature, in general, is his motivation and inspiration. His view on life and the world has changed over the time. He realizes that connecting with people through art is important. He would like to use his art as a mechanism to bring people together and facilitate understanding and fellowships among them.
Solo Exhibition: in 86’, 94’, 07’
Group Exhibition: throughout 86’~94’
Member of BC Korean Artists Association (1997~2016)
Member/Artist of Covan 02 Art Gallery
About Artist
Schooled at the Hong-Ik university, Yohan graduated Western Fine Arts in 85’. He is a creative artist of western style painting and known for his different approach and unique techniques. Yohan currently resides in the Greater Vancouver and is a member of BC Korean Artists association. He has been an active member and artist of Covan02 Art Gallery.
In his work, Yohan depicted his observations in reality of mankind and expression of the human affairs. Improved and pleasant life calls for increased communication and conversation between one another. Conversation is the only way to know the shape and mind of another.
Taiwan / 台灣地區
Professor Chang Chun Chieh received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the National Taiwan Normal University. He was a former curator of National Taiwan Arts Education Institute, a board director of the National Taiwan Arts Education Museum, and also has been a faculty member and professor of several colleges and universities in Taiwan. He has held fourteen solo exhibitions and published twelve volumes of his collected works. He has been the recipient of many awards. Because of his artistic accomplishment, he was invited to be on the jury board for countless national art competitions. He is currently consultant of the Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver and the Chinese Artists Association of Canada.
張俊傑教授國立台灣師範大學藝術系畢業,曾任國立台灣藝術教育館館長,教育廣播電台台長、教育部藝術教育委員,文建會文化建設委員,台北市和高雄市美術館典藏委員,國立歷史博物館研究發展委員,國父紀念館咨詢及評審委員,並兼任大專教授。曾獲中興文藝獎及全國畫學金爵獎。並任11至13屆全國美展籌委會主任委員。中國美術協會理事長,元墨畫會、中華書畫會會長,以及全國美展、台灣省美展、文藝創作獎、南瀛獎等評審委員。舉行個展十四次。出版理論和畫集十二種。現為21世紀水墨畫會、元墨畫會、中國美術協會、中華書畫會、中華民國畫學會、中國書法教育學會、列治文中國書畫會等藝術團體成員。並為加拿大中華文化藝術總會和溫哥華華人藝術家協會顧問及相關展覽之評審。專心從事藝術理論之研究 與書畫創作。
Also named “Yan Han”. Native of Jijiang, born in Kunming and grown up in Taiwan. Master of Arts Studies, St. John’s University of New York. He advocates that the artworks not only display and exhibit beauty, also bear the mission of educating the community. He is an expressionist artist in Chinese ink painting.
He has been Deputy Professor of faculty of arts studies in universities; Professor of Chinese Arts Study in St. John’s University of New York; founding president of the “Chinese Korean Artists Exchange Association”. He had held numerous solo exhibitions in United States, Germany, Canada, Japan and Taiwan; and had participated in numerous occasions in the Joint Exhibition of Art Professors of China, Exhibitions at Memorial Hall of Chengdu, Sichuan; and Zhang Daqian Memorial Hall of Neijiang; as well as joint exhibition at the Canada Stadium at the 2010 Expo of Shanghai to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of establishment of diplomacy between China and Canada. His works are exhibited and collected in many arts institutions and museums in Korea, Japan, United States, China and Taiwan.
His publications included ” 80 Years’ Artworks in Taiwan” , ” The study into the painting of Peonies of renowned artists of the different dynasties”, ” Discussion on the Splash-Ink method and painting technique of Zhang Daqian”, as well as many academic publications books and paintings albums.
歷任大學藝術系專任副教授、紐約聖約翰大學國畫班教授、“中韓名家交流協會”創會會長。曾於美國、德國、加拿大、日本、韓國、及台灣多次舉辦個展。並多次參予全國大專美術系教授聯合年展,四川成都及內江張大千紀念館展及於2010中加建交40週年代表加拿大在“上海世博會” 加國館等重要展覽。其作品在韓國(國立故宮博物院等多處 ),日本(竺波大學等多處),美國(哈佛大學,聖約翰大學),德國(漢堡大學,漢堡市議會所),中國(張大千紀念館,北京奧運館,上海世博館等多處 ),台灣(省美館,行政院等各處 )展出及收藏。著作有“台灣美術八十年”,“歷代名家牡丹畫法之研究”,“談張大千潑墨法及畫法”及多種教材、畫冊。
Current president of the Department of Fine Arts and National Taiwan Normal University Alumni Association. Fine arts teacher in National Chiayi University, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Department of Visual Arts Chang Jung Christian University, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the Control Yuan Principal of Kaohsiung Cheng Yi senior high school, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Chinese Culture University Department of Fine Arts Certification of Fine Arts teaching in National Taiwan Normal University.
Solo and Group Exhibition:Art Exhibitions in Europe, North America, Asia, Taiwan, mainland China and around over a hundred times.
Collections:By National Taiwan Museum, National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Chiayi Cultural Affairs Bureau, Guangdong Shunde day any art museum, the Control Yuan, and other private galleries and personal collections.
Books and articles published: Color Scheme , World Art Museum paintings parsing ,Oil painting techniques, Painting repair and preservation techniques, Paintings of fumigation, Chen’s painting ideas and techniques, Art Tour (102), Other art published articles (hundreds).
典藏:作品受國立台灣美術館 、台北國父紀念館、台北中正紀念堂、嘉義文化局、廣東順德天任美術館、監察院及其他國內外私人畫廊與個人收藏。
Born in 1950 in Taipei, Taiwan. He is BA and MA of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University. He was a professor of fine arts at N.T.N.U , National Tai Chung University, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taipei Chinese Culture University, and Tung Fang Design University. After moving to Vancouver in recent years, he teaches at Langara College First Mandarin school and also teaches Chinese painting, drawing, water color and oil painting privately for all ages. In addition to his teaching career, he has always been a professional artist who held solo exhibitions 27 times. He was invited to demonstrate Chinese painting and attended over 300 different joint exhibitions in over 20 different countries, including Germany, France, America, and China, etc. Locally, he has participated in over 30 exhibitions in Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, Abbotsford, and Toronto in the past 5 years. His works are collected by not only local but overseas collectors.2015 January 17, He got The Gold Medal at the First Canadian Chinese Arts Bridge Arts Competition in the category of Chinese Painting.
現任: 松柏雅集美術研究會會長、加拿大藝術總會理事、斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員,兼任Vancouver Langara College First Mandarin School 美術課程
學歷: 臺灣師範大學美術系學士,研究所藝術創作碩士。
經歷: 曾任臺灣藝術教育館、中國文化大學、臺中教育大學、市立臺北教育大學、臺灣師範大學、東方設計學院等學校教授藝術相關課程二十餘年。曾任教中小學與幼教藝術教育十餘年。
創作自述: 「以人文、環境關懷的思想,表現國際觀的內涵與材料」
Opening Ceremony
Press Release Conference
“Promotion of Cultural Exchange, Understanding, Cooperation and Friendship between the People of Canada and the Communities and invited Artists of East Asian regions”
Guiding Principles:
1. This event is an event organized by the institutions and individuals from the communities with no political affiliation nor political agenda.
2. The funding comes from the hosting gallery, organizers, co-organizers and donors and sponsors only.
3. There will not be any personal interest and/or purposes apart from fulfillment, enhancement and promotion of the Mission.
“Spirit of Harmony” – Invitational Exhibition of East Asian Artists Preparatory Committee
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
International Study & Research Art Center
Exhibition Hosted and Venue Provided by :
Organizing Committee:
Chairman: Mr. John Chan
Executive Adviser: Professor Jan Walls
Ms. Katherine Chan, Mr. John Chen
Mr. Frank Kamiya, Ms. Joyce Kamikura
Mr. Kim Jong Kook, Ms. Hanna Kim
Mr. James Liu, Mr. Jason Chang
Staff: Mr. Hong He
1. 此活動純粹是民間團體及個人發起之活動,並不含任何政治取向或動機
3. 此活動純為促進及推行本活動之宗旨,不可附有任何個人利益或目的
『和諧的樂章』 – 東亞藝術家邀請展籌辦委員會
展覽場地贊助 :
主席: 陳淑雄先生
執行顧問: 王健教授
Mr. Frank Kamiya、Ms. Joyce Kamikura
Mr. Kim Jong Kook、 Ms. Hanna Kim
“캐나다 국민과, 지역사회 및 중국, 일본, 한국, 타이완 작가들간의 문화교류를 통한 이해, 협력과 우의 증진을 목적으로 한다”
1. 이번 행사는 정치적인 관계나 정치적 목적이 없는 지역사회 단체와 개인이 운영하는 행사이다.
2. 행사 운영 비용은 주최측 겔러리, 위원회, 공동위원회, 기부자및 후원자들로부터만 충당한다.
3. 이번 전시회의 목적 증진및 성취 이외에 어떤 개인적 이익이나 목적을 추구는 하지 않는다.
“화합의 정신” 중국, 일본, 한국, 타이완 화가 초대전 준비위원
공동 조직위원:
타이완 국립 서양화 학회
국제 화랑이 전시회를 주최하고 장소를 제공한다 :
위원장: 존챈 (John Chen)
상임고문: 잰 월스 교수 (Jan Walls)
캐더린 챈, 존챈
프랭크 카미야, 조이스 카미쿠라
김종국, 김한나
제임스 리우, 제이스 챙
직원: 홍의, 존스 칸
1. このイベントは政治的な関係や政治目的として計画されているものではない
2. このイベントにかかる費用は主催を援助するギャラリー、主催者、共同主催者、寄付、スポンサーのみによって運営されている
3. 使命に賛同する成就、強化のためでありこのイベントは個人的目的は無しとする
“Spirit of Harmony” – Invitational Exhibition of East Asian Artists Preparatory Committee
Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
Sunny Artists Association
International Study & Research Art Center
イベント主催及びイベント会場提供者 :
会長: Mr. John Chan
エグゼクティブ顧問: Professor Jan Walls
Ms. Katherine Chan, Mr. John Chen
Mr. Frank Kamiya, Ms. Joyce Kamikura
Mr. Kim Jong Kook, Ms. Hanna Kim
Mr. James Liu, Mr. Jason Chang
スタッフ: Mr. Hong He
Why Do We Ask for Your Support on This Event?
- This is a community initiated event, with missions of “Promotion of Cultural Exchange, Understanding, Cooperation and Friendship between the People of Canada and the Communities and Artists of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan”.
- Members of our organizing committee are participating and contributing their resources and efforts on a voluntary basis. We need support and resources from sponsors and contributors to help us to fund partial expenses of the event.
How Will Your Sponsorship and Cash Contribute to the Project?
Sponsorship and cash contributions will be used as funding to pursue the goals and ensure the success of this event, in following major areas:
- Graphic Design, Hosting, Development and Maintenance of the Event Web Template and Social Media
- Graphic Design and Printing of hard copies of posters, invitation cards, stage backdrop, event special publication/catalogue and banners, etc.
- Advertising and graphic design Media expenses
- Delivery/ mounting and framing charges for exhibited works
- Venue charge, and setting up of exhibiting venue
- Opening Ceremony expenses including venue, programs, performance and hospitality
- Setting Up and catering for Opening Reception
- Sponsoring visiting artists (accommodation, group sight-seeing tour, meals, local transportation, etc.)
- Preparation of arts seminars for visiting and local artists and incidental expenses.
- Administrative and staffing costs for organizing and hosting events.
- Expenses for recruitment of volunteers and incidental charges.
- Security and other incidental services for the event.
- Other expenses that are connected and incidental to the event
Sponsorship Package
Corporation | Individual | |
Amount: | $10,000 | $10,000 |
Title: | Diamond Sponsorship | First Honorary Governor |
Quota: | 1 | 1 |
Package Detail: | Name and logo of corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue |
Name and logo of corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | |
Invitation to press conferences, as major dignitary to officiate opening and closing ceremonies, as well as dinner reception and day tours with exhibiting artists | ||
Invitation to send greetings in special publication | ||
_ | ||
Amount: | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Title: | Gold Sponsorship | Honorary Governors |
Quota: | Unlimited | Not exceeding four (Preferably one from each area of exhibition) |
Package Detail: | Name and logo of corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue |
Name and logo of corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | |
Invitation to press conferences, to be dignitaries in opening and closing ceremony and dinner reception and day tour with exhibiting artists | ||
Invitation to send greetings in special publication | ||
_ | ||
Amount: | $3,000 | $3,000 |
Title: | Silver Sponsorship | Honorary President |
Quota: | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Package Detail: | Name and logo of corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue |
Name and logo of corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | |
Invitation to press conferences, to be dignitaries in opening and closing ceremonies, as well as dinner reception with exhibiting artists | ||
Invitation to send greetings in special publication | ||
_ | ||
Amount: | $1,000 | $1,000 |
Title: | Bronze sponsorship | Honorary Adviser |
Quota: | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Package Detail: | Name and logo of corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue |
Name and logo of corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | Sponsor’s name and logo of related corporation will appear in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | |
Invitation to press conferences, opening and closing ceremonies | ||
Other Sponsorships | Media Sponsor | Advertising Sponsor |
Invited to cover the news of the event and be provided with further details | A $1,000 sponsorship includes one full-page advertisement in the Event Special Publication and 10 copies of Publication | |
Name or logo appears on websites, social media, blogs, e-newsletters, pamphlets, banners, posters, and the exhibition catalogue | A $500 sponsorship includes a half-page advertisement in the Event Special Publication and 5 copies of Publication | |
Name or logo appears in the Event Special Publication under the sponsorship section | A $250 sponsorship includes a quarter page advertising in the Event Special Publication and 3 copies of Publication | |
Invitation to press conferences and opening and closing ceremonies | A $50 sponsorship includes publication of name of sponsor on Joint Greeting Page in the Event Special Publication. Each sponsor will be awarded a ticket to take part in the Luck Draw to have a chance of winning a grand prize as well as more than 50 other prizes of value over $50/item (Please refer to Lucky Draw Prize List), and to receive a copy of Special Publication of the event. | |
Invitation to the opening and closing ceremonies |
Lucky Draw Prize Sponsorship |
We solicit from our sponsors for gifts and prizes for our Luck Draw: No. of Sponsors: over 50. Value of Each Item: not less than $50 Purpose: Award to winners of $50 Advertising (individual) Sponsorship, The Luck Draw will take place at the banquet dinner of the event on 22nd October 2016. The result will be announced in our website. Benefit to Sponsor: the benefit of the sponsor includes the name of the sponsor and the sponsored gift be enlisted in ” Lucky Draw Sponsorship ” page of the web-site, and also at the page of ” Lucky Draw Sponsorship ” in the Event Special Publication. Each Luck Draw Sponsor will also receive a ticket for them to participate to Luck Draw and receive a copy of Special Publication of the event. Prizes Particulars: Please refer to the Lucky Draw Prize List which will be updated from time to time.
1. 這是一個社區發起的活動,本次畫展的宗旨是“推廣及促進加拿大人民對中國、日本、韓國及台灣社群和藝術家的文化交流,瞭解、互動和友誼”
2. 籌備委員會的成員都是義務性地參加並貢獻自己的資源和時間。我們需要公司及個人的贊助部分費用來幫助我們舉辦本次活動。
1. 平面設計,網站和相關社交媒體、宣傳物品的成立、開發及保持
2. 海報、請柬、舞台標版、畫展特刊/圖錄、橫幅等等的設計及印刷
3. 各媒體廣告費用
4. 運輸和裝裱展品
5. 租用展出場地、展場佈置
6. 開幕禮的費用包括場地、程序、表演和招待
7. 開幕酒會的設置及餐飲
8. 贊助來訪的畫家(住宿,團體觀光遊覽,用餐,交通等)
9. 籌辦外地畫家與本地畫家藝術研討會及相關雜費
10. 籌辦畫展之行政人員薪金及相關費用
11. 招募志願者及其相關費用
12. 畫展安全措施及其相關附帶費用
13. 其他與活動相關的費用
公司 | 個人 | |
贊助金額: | $10,000 | $10,000 |
頭銜: | 鑽石贊助 | 首席榮譽總監 |
名額: | 1 | 1 |
權利: | 公司名稱及標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄
| 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 |
公司名稱及標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | |
將以主要嘉賓的身份邀請出席新聞發布會、主禮畫展的開閉幕式、招待晚宴及與參展藝術家一日遊 | ||
將被邀請在特刊上為本次畫展發送賀詞 | ||
贊助金額: | $5,000 | $5,000 |
頭銜: | 金贊助 | 榮譽總監 |
名額: | 不限 | 不多於四位(最好是中、日、韓、台各一個) |
權利: | 公司名稱及標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄
| 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄
公司名稱及標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | |
將以嘉賓的身份邀請出席新聞發布會、參加畫展的開閉幕式、招待晚宴及與參展藝術家一日遊 | ||
將被邀請在特刊上為本次畫展發送賀詞 | ||
贊助金額: | $3,000 | $3,000 |
頭銜: | 銀贊助 | 榮譽主席 |
名額: | 不限 | 不限 |
權利: | 公司名稱及標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 | 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 |
公司名稱及標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊 | 贊助者姓名及其指定公司及公司標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | |
將被邀請出席新聞發布會、畫展的開閉幕式及招待晚宴 | ||
將被邀請在特刊上為本次畫展發送賀詞 | ||
贊助金額: | $1,000 | $1,000 |
頭銜: | 銅贊助 | 榮譽顧問 |
名額: | 不限 | 不限 |
權利: | 公司名稱及標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 | 贊助者姓名將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 |
公司名稱及標誌會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | 贊助者姓名會在展覽特刊的贊助頁面刊登 | |
將被邀請出席新聞發布會及畫展的開閉幕式 | ||
其他贊助: | 媒體贊助 | 廣告贊助 |
將會被邀請到現場採訪的新聞,同時我們會提供更多詳細資料 | $1,000贊助商將擁有一整頁廣告版面於特刊上及10冊特刊 | |
名稱或公司標誌將出現於本活動有關之宣傳品上,包括:網站、社交媒體、博客、電子通訊、宣傳冊、橫幅、海報和展覽目錄 | $500贊助商將擁有半頁廣告版面於特刊上及5冊特刊 | |
| $250贊助商將擁有四分一廣告版面於特刊上及3冊特刊 | |
| $50贊助者姓名將刊登在特刊聯賀頁上及1冊特刊 | |
왜 이행사에 여러분의 지원이 필요한가?
- 이번 행사는 문화교류를 통한 캐나다 국민과, 지역사회 중국, 일본, 한국, 타이완 작가들간의 이해와, 협력 및 우의 증진을 사명으로 하는 지역사회가 착안한 행사입니다
- 우리 조직위원회 임원들은 자발적으로 참여하고 그들의 인적 자원과 수고로 이행사에 기여하고 있습니다. 그러므로 이 행사의 일부 비용을 조달하기 위해 후원자들과 기부자들로 부터 지원과 도움이 필요합니다.
여러분의 후원금이 어떻게 이 행사기획에 도움이 될 것인가?
이 행사의 목적을 달성하고 행사의 성공을 위해 다음과 같은 주요 부분에 여러분의 후원금이 사용될 것입니다:
- 그래픽 디자인, 행사주최, 웹 사이트 와 소셜미디아 개발과 유지
- 전시회 포스터 책자 그래픽 디자인과 인쇄, 행사초대장, 무대배경, 특별광고/카탈로그 및 베너등
- 그래픽 디자인 미디아 광고 비용
- 전시 작품 배송, 배접, 프레임 비용
- 전시회 장소와 설치 비용
- 전시회 개관에 필요한 장소, 프로그램. 공연, 접대 비용
- 개관식을 위한 설치 및 음식
- 해외 초대 작가 후원 (숙소, 관광, 식사, 현지교통 등)
- 해외 및 현지 작가들을 위햔 예술 세미나 준비 와 부대 비용
- 행사 운영과 주최에 따르는 직원 및 행정비용
- 자원 봉사자들 채용 과 기타 비용
- 행사의 안전과 사고 예방 서비스
- 행사와 관련된 기타 비용
회사 | 개인 | |
금액: | $10,000 | $10,000 |
이름: | 다이어몬드 후원 | 첫 명예 총재 |
몫: | 1 | 1 |
세부사항: | 회사의 이름과 로로가 웝사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다
| 후원자의 이름과 관련된 회사의 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미다아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 키탈로그에 실릴 것입니다 |
회사의 이름과 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | 후원자의 이름과 관련 회사의 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | |
개관식과 폐회식에 주요 고위인사로 기자회견및 전시작가들과 저녁만찬및 1일관광에 초대 | ||
특별광고 인사란에 초대 | ||
_ | ||
금액: | $5,000 | $5,000 |
이름: | 금 후원자 | 명예 총재 |
몫: | 무제한 | 4명을 초월 하지 않음 (각국 1인을 선호함) |
세부사항: | 회사의 이름과 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다
| 스폰서의 이름과 관련 회사의 로로가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다 |
회사의 이름과 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | 스폰서의 이름과 관련 회사의 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | |
개관과 폐회식에 고위인사로 기자회견및 전시작가들과 저녁만찬및 1일 관광에 초대 | ||
특별 광고 인사란에 초대 | ||
_ | ||
금액: | $3,000 | $3,000 |
이름: | 은 후원자 | 명예 사장 |
몫: | 무제한 | 무제한 |
세부사항: | 회사의 이름과 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다e | 후원자의 이름과 관련 회사의 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터. 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다 |
회사의 이름과 로로가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | 후원자의 이름과 관련회사의 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | |
개관식과 페회식 고위인사로 기자회견및 전시작가들과 저녁만찬에 초대 | ||
특별광고 인사란에 초대 | ||
_ | ||
금액: | $1,000 | $1,000 |
이름: | 동 후원자 | 명예고문 |
몫: | 무제한 | 무제한 |
세부사항: | 회사의 이름과 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것입니다 | 후원자의 이름과 관련회사의 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그. 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터, 전시 카탈로그에 실릴 것 입니다 |
회사의 이름과 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | 후원자의 이름과 관련회사의 로고가 후원자란의 행사 특별광고에 실릴 것입니다 | |
개관식과 폐회식 기자회견에 초대 | ||
_ | ||
기타 후원: | 미디어 후원자 | 광고 후원자 |
행사 뉴스를 보도하도록 초대하고 보다 자세한 사항을 제공함 | 천달러 후원은 행사 특별광고란에 전면광고와 광고책자10부 제공 | |
이름과 로고가 웹사이트, 소셜미디아, 블로그, 이 뉴스신문, 팜플렛, 베너, 포스터와 전시, 카탈로그에 실림 | 오백달러 후원은 행사 특별광고란에 반 페이지 광고와 광고책자5부 제공 | |
이름과 로고가 후원자란의 행사특별광고에 실림
| 이백 오십달러 후원은 행사 특별광고란에 4분의 1 페이지 광고와 광고책자 3부 제공 | |
개관식과 폐회식, 기자회견에 초대 | 오십불 후원은 행사 특별광고에 합동 인사페이지에 후원자의 이름과 광고책자 1부 제공 | |
개회식 폐회식에 초대
Unit 2083 -88, West Pender Street
International Village Mall,
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 6N9